The 6 Warning Signs of a Nutritional Deficiency

The 6 Warning Signs of a Nutritional Deficiency That We Shouldn’t Ignore. Also, a nutritional deficiency occurs when the body does not absorb the required amount of a nutrient. Deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems. These can include digestion problems, skin problems, stunted growth or bone defect, and even dementia. Ideally, we would get enough minerals, vitamins and nutrients through our diets, but the fact is, many people don’t. About one in ten people are “ nutrient deficient ”.Dietary supplements are just that: they supplement vitamins, minerals, etc., which you may lack. In some cases, people use supplements for this reason or when trying to change the way their body looks (eg muscle gain or fat loss).

There is no doubt that there are many high quality and efficient supplements available on the market. However, supplements are not regulated in the way traditional medicines (ie pharmaceuticals) are.

In this article, we will discuss the signs that your body may be affected by a nutritional deficiency. Keep in mind that dietary changes can accomplish the same symptom. Consulting a healthcare professional – a nutritionist or physician – can help determine whether to use supplements. Then check out  The 6 Warning Signs of a Nutritional Deficiency.

Your Hair and/or Nails Are Rough:  Rough hair and nails are one of  the warning signs of a nutritional deficiency. Furthermore, our skin – the largest organ in the human body – requires a lot of nutrients to stay healthy. The same is true for our nails. So, if you are dealing with skin issues – scaling, inflammation, irritation, etc. – you may not be getting enough biotin in your diet.

The same thing applies if nails are brittle or broken. Biotin is found in dairy products, eggs, proteins and whole grains. The recommended daily intake of biotin is 30 micrograms.

Your Bowel Movements are Irregular:  This is one of the main warning signs of a nutritional deficiency.  Besides, no one likes to talk about feces, okay? But when we are constipated, nausea and vomiting can indicate a nutrient deficiency. Niacin is essential for proper digestion and also for the suppression of any unwanted gastrointestinal symptoms. It can be found in many foods: green vegetables, eggs, fish, meat and nuts.

You Have “Red Eyes” Red  eyes are one of the most common warning signs of a nutritional deficiency. When our body is low in vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin ), this problem can manifest itself in red eyes. According to one expert, this deficiency “is more common in people with extreme low-weight diets or with digestive problems such as celiac disease .” Riboflavin is abundant in foods such as: green and leafy vegetables, eggs, fish, milk and lean meats.

You Injure Yourself Often and Easily:  Excessive bleeding is one of the warning signs of a nutritional deficiency  a result of low levels of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant; Protecting our cells from free radicals and anything that threatens to damage them. Of course, Vitamin C also hardens the immune system and makes it harder for a disease to take control.

Low levels of Vitamin C can cause bruising as we are exposed to the weakening of the vessels on the surface of the skin. Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits, cabbages, peppers and strawberries.

You Cramp Excessively: Cramp excessively is another  warning sign of a nutritional deficiency. Also, although rare, a Vitamin E deficiency can be felt in the form of cramping in the body. One study found that after administering Vitamin E to 24 patients, it found that “almost all patients with leg cramps received quick and gratifying relief.” Vitamin E  can be found in foods such as: cereals, eggs, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, seeds and nuts.

You Feel Tired All the Time:  There are a myriad of reasons why someone might feel tired: underlying medical issue, overwork, lack of sleep, etc., etc. This is important to keep in mind as low energy feelings are ubiquitous to say the least.

Glucose – in the form of healthy carbohydrates – is the body’s main source of energy production. In addition, glucose is the most convenient nutritional source for energy conversion. Healthy sources of glucose include: whole grains, fruit, low-fat yogurt, and milk.

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