How to Permanently Eliminate Lice in 20 Minutes!
How to Permanently Eliminate Lice in 20 Minutes! that anyone can do. Furthermore, head lice are undoubtedly a nuisance on children’s heads and a concern for mothers. It is very likely that your children get infected with pediculosis (scientific name) when they go to school, a club or a square. Therefore, in this article, we are going to talk about some of the home remedies that are most effective to eliminate lice and nits.
Lice thrive in warm, humid environments. But, contrary to popular belief, its incidence is not directly related to hygiene. Pediculosis also does not respect social, economic or geographical barriers and has reached a surprising proliferation, as demonstrated by the year-on-year increase in lice sales in the country.
As with bacteria in the face of antibiotics, lice become resistant to drugs, which is the reason for the constant changes that laboratories make to their formulas. Research has sought to find an effective product against head lice , but until the results are confirmed, the periodic examination of children’s heads and the use of a fine-tooth comb is the best prevention.
News of the week:
Another important point is the fact that medicines contain toxic substances. Every medicinal product, every drug, can contain some toxicity. The reaction to it varies from individual to individual. “Some products, if used without control, can cause serious problems. If used in excess and for a long period, when absorbed they can even cause damage to the central nervous system. So, now check out this recipe for How to Permanently Eliminate Lice in 20 Minutes!:
- 20 grams of rue leaves
- 1 liter of boiling water
- fine comb
- Bring the water to a boil.
- As soon as it boils, throw the rue leaves into the water, cover the pan and turn off the heat.
- Leave it muffled for 20 minutes.
- Apply this rue tea to dry hair , until all hair is wet .
- Put a cap or plastic bag on your head and let it act for 30 minutes.
- Use a fine-toothed comb to remove dead lice and nits.
- Wash your hair normally with shampoo and conditioner.
- Repeat this recipe every three days for a month to make sure the lice are gone .
- vinegar
- fine comb
- Plastic cap or plastic bag
- Apply the vinegar to the roots, lengths and ends of the hair , being very careful not to run into the eyes.
- Put the cap or bag on your head and leave it on for 30 minutes or more, if you want to leave it on for an hour that’s even better.
- Do not let the child be exposed to the sun, to avoid burns.
- Run the fine-toothed comb over the child’s head.
- Wash with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
- Repeat this treatment every three days for a month.
Useful links:
OBS: The most important thing is that people seek information, know the treatment options that can be used and, together with a professional they trust, start their treatment as soon as possible.