Homemade coffee pump to accelerate hair growth!
Homemade coffee pump to speed up hair growth in a few days and using ingredients you probably have at home. Also, do you have the impression that your hair doesn’t grow? Have you tried everything and don’t know how to grow your hair? All women have had a bad experience with a haircut, and having to change from long hair to much shorter hair can be one of the most difficult decisions for us. , we also noticed that it doesn’t grow as fast anymore. The impression that the hair does not grow is very common among women, especially if we do not take care of it or moisturize it as we should.
Most women want to have shiny and strong hair, so they go to the beauty salon and perform all kinds of expensive treatments that sometimes only work for a few weeks.
Whether it’s because you’ve regretted cutting it or you want to change your appearance, growing your hair out fast isn’t that easy, especially since the average hair growth per month is just an inch and a half. In addition, factors such as
stress, poor eating habits and a fickle
hair care routine can prevent hair from growing healthy and strong, but calm down!
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Undeniably, hydration is one of the most important things. Also, before getting to know the COFFEE BOMB, the first tip is: try to drink approximately two liters of water a day. If it’s too hot, drink a little more according to your body’s needs.
Just the fact of drinking water already helps to hydrate the organs, the skin and, therefore, the hair. If you don’t like it much, you can prepare cold herbal drinks, juices, smoothies and even broths and soups.
Recipe to accelerate hair growth:
Accelerating hair growth in a healthy and natural way is not impossible. There are home methods and natural solutions that can help. One of the solutions is the COFFEE BOMB, however, it is vital to have a balanced diet and keep it hydrated from root to tip.
COFFEE PUMP has been found to be a great choice because the caffeine promotes hair growth and the combination with the oils makes it a potent hair growth accelerator and is even able to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss.
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Thinking about how difficult it is to maintain or have long and beautiful hair, we brought you the recipe that is the sensation of the moment, the COFFEE BOMB ! It helps to grow the wires and still leaves them soft, silky and with a natural shine. Want to meet her? Follow the steps given below, and then, make your homemade COFFEE PUMP To Accelerate Hair Growth!:
- 2 tablespoons of castor oil ;
- 1 cup of olive oil ;
- 2 tablespoons of coffee .
- First mix the olive oil and castor oil in a container until they are very homogeneous.
- After that, add the coffee powder to the mixture and mix well.
- Choose a dark bottle with a lid to put the mixture and let it rest there for 15 days, shaking the bottle daily.
- Apply this product to dry hair up to the scalp, massaging it in for approximately five minutes.
- When the hair is well dampened, put on a plastic cap.
- Leave the mixture on your hair for up to an hour minimum.
- After this time, wash your hair normally with the shampoo and conditioner you usually use.
- Repeat this procedure at an interval of 15 days.