How to lose belly fat at the gym in a few days!
Losing belly in the gym is not as complicated as it seems, follow these tips and conquer the desired body . Furthermore, currently, we have seen that the number of obese people has only increased, and this is increasing, all due to work routines that are getting bigger and heavier. Because of this, the number of people looking for exercises to lose belly fat in the gym also grows .
Everything linked to this evil of the century, the sedentary lifestyle, the human being was not programmed to work on machines all the time, we need to exercise and spend some of the calories we consume. It is a fact that the more we exercise, the more prepared we are for a long and youthful life, the recommendation by physical educators and nutritionists is that we exercise every day.
How to lose belly at the gym in a few days?
Exercises to lose belly fat can be done at the gym with the help of a professional who will analyze and guide you in an easier and less aggressive way to your body. It is well known that you must, first of all, create a habit so that the gym is seen as a common activity in your daily life.
Improve your routine, if you don’t have any concerns about waking up time, I advise you to create a habit of waking up preferably before 8:00 am, in the first few days it can be difficult, but then you fit into a pattern, and you will even want to go to the gym. A good habit created, you are more willing to live, you have better dispositions.
Myths about how to lose belly fat at the gym:
1. Myth: The longer I train, the more weight I will lose:
One of the most common myths of how to lose belly fat at the gym is that you have to spend hours and hours inside the gym to lose weight. This myth is misguided by the fact that there is no such thing as healthy exercise if you go beyond your body ‘s limits , so learn to interpret your body ‘s signals to know when to stop.
The ideal time for training is from 50 minutes to 1 hour and a half, depending on your physical condition.
2. Myth: Exercising on an empty stomach to lose weight:
Another common myth is that people believe that exercising in the morning before eating anything helps you lose weight faster, in addition to not having any proof, it can be a very dangerous practice, as your body will need energy to face the training.
That’s why it’s important that you have a good breakfast, something light, so that your body has somewhere to draw energy from, you can rest assured that it won’t interfere with the weight loss process.
What exercises burn the most abdominal fat?
The exercises that burn the most calories are the aerobic ones, see those that can burn more belly fat in less time. But note that you need to do these exercises intensely, walking on the treadmill for hours doesn’t lose weight, it’s a waste of time. Also, as I said before, be sure to do weight training, because this type of exercise keeps your metabolism revved up even when you’re resting.
Top exercises on how to lose belly fat at the gym:
1. Spinning:
Spinning, a set of exercises practiced on an exercise bike, is an exercise that can burn 600 to 800 calories per hour of training, known as one of the best workouts to lose weight and lose abdominal fat.
2. Treadmill:
The next exercise is the good old treadmill, it depends on how you are going to do the exercise, if you are starting the training and you are not used to exercises and activities it is good to vary between walking, fast steps and running, so that you do not strain too much and as the intensity progresses, the treadmill burns an average of 700 calories per hour.
3. Step:
Step is the exercise that basically consists of going up and down steps, this exercise can burn 500 calories in just 1 hour and is a great way to improve your physical and respiratory conditioning.
4. Circuitoia:
Circuit, set of exercises that mixes weight training and aerobic exercises . The technique used in this workout consists of alternating high-intensity (aerobic) with low-intensity (resistance) activities without rest intervals, this workout burns an average of 1,000 calories per hour.
5. HIIT:
HIIT is short duration interval training, different from circuit training because it uses your own body weight. HIIT exercises can be performed anywhere, at the gym or even at home, many people prefer this option because they don’t like gyms.
When is the best time to train at the gym?
They can be used as a strategy in the rehabilitation of injuries in early stages and to produce muscle balance when there are specific strength deficiencies, which result in movements without good quality of execution.
In the initial phase of rehabilitation, the muscle imbalance can be so great and the movement pattern so deficient that it is necessary to use isolated exercises as a resource to re-educate neuromuscular activation and gain strength, but even in the rehabilitation phase, it is important include free exercises because when a movement is learned on machines, distortions and motor imbalances are camouflaged by the mechanically determined motor pattern, so there is no way to correct execution vices, reinforcing asymmetries and imbalances between muscles instead of correcting them.
Is training at the gym really the fastest way to lose weight? ( Sincere Analysis )
Training in a gym that focuses on machines for the development of health is better than doing nothing, but it is worse than the suggestion I have for you about good physical fitness and quality of life, because the model I bring is more complete , effective and motivating from the point of view of health, injury prevention and performance (sports, weight loss and hypertrophy).
It is interesting to note that, currently, machines seek to produce greater degrees of freedom with axes and joints , and can be part of a well-designed training program.
If you want to know more about How to Lose Belly Belly in the Gym with health and in just 12 weeks get to know my Dream Belly program, see in the first workouts more results than weeks at the gym.