How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis!

How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis  and Osteoarthritis from Osteoarthritis. In addition, Arthritis and Arthrosis are diseases with different causes and treatment, but with symptoms that can be very similar, which usually causes some confusion, causing the two conditions, which are really similar, to be wrongly treated as a single pathology.

Both Arthritis and Osteoarthritis cause discomfort and affect the daily lives of patients. Understand the diseases and know their characteristics. Most of the time, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis affect the patient at the same time. Because of this, the two diseases can be confused. They can be characterized as rheumatic diseases because they directly affect the joints, a basic characteristic of the disorder.

However, it is important to emphasize that if both diseases are not treated correctly, serious consequences can affect the health of the patient. “ Arthritis is a medical term that means inflammation of a joint. There are several diseases that can cause Arthritis , however, care must be taken, as the official name of Osteoarthritis itself is osteoarthritis ”.

OSTEOARTHRITIS:  Arthritis , also known as osteoarthritis is the type of Arthritis that most affects the world’s population, leading to a decrease in the quality of life of millions of people around the world. It mainly affects the knees, hips and hands, regions that are very important for the physical independence of the human being.

It is a very important cause of absence from work and early retirement. In addition, it is responsible for numerous surgeries in a population whose surgical risk is very high – the elderly. For a long time, little was known about how the joint changes that lead to physical weakness occurred. Today, several risk factors for the development of the condition are known, the knowledge of which has facilitated a better therapeutic approach and better prevention of the disease”.

OSTEOARTHROSIS:  Osteoarthritis , also known as osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis , Degenerative arthritis and degenerative joint disease, is a rheumatic disease that mainly affects the joints of the knees, spine, hips, hands and fingers. It occurs in both men and women, being the most common of the rheumatic diseases. More than 70% of people over the age of 70 have radiographic evidence of this disease, but only a proportion of these develop symptoms.

In Osteoarthritis , there is a progressive wear of the cartilage of the “joints” ( joints ) and a bone change, the so-called “parrot beaks”. Hereditary factors and mechanical factors may be involved in its appearance.

How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis: Arthritis can be defined as inflammation of the joints ; Osteoarthritis iswhen the joint starts to degenerate. “ Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the symmetrical occurrence of the joints of the hands, wrists, ankles and feet, through swelling, redness, heat and joint pain ”.

Osteoarthritis , on the other hand , can be characterized by the softening of the articular cartilage, that is, with the continuous inflammation of this tissue, it tends to become thinner, we can culminate in serious consequences. “The inflammatory process affects the subchondral bone with sclerosis and results in the formation of osteophytes, popularly called ‘parrot’s beak’, which is the main characteristic of the disease”.

Early Symptoms of Arthritis and Osteoarthritis:

  • ARTHRITIS: Because it is an inflammatory process, it is characterized by the accumulation of fluid between the joints . Therefore, reactions usually appear first thing in the morning, when the body starts moving again after a long period of rest. Pain and stiffness when moving is a sign that the area may be affected.
  • ARTHROSIS: It can come from either a poorly treated inflammatory disease or a trauma, and can cause (depending on the affected area, which can be: fingers, wrists, knees, spine, among others) pain, tingling, swelling and changes in the sensitivity of the place. , for example.

A Little Deeper About How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis:  Also according to Ari, rheumatoid arthritis is the most well-known variation of the disorder, and also the most well-known, and also the one that most deserves caution. This is because, as it is chronic, it must have continuous medical follow-up, since, if not treated properly, it can cause permanent damage to the patient (deformities, for example): “About 1% of the population has this disease, which usually starts around the fourth decade of life”, says the specialist.

As it is a systemic inflammatory disease, it can affect not only the joints , but also areas such as the lungs, eyes and other organs. Osteoarthritis only affects the joints . “Some forms of osteoarthritis (hands, for example) have a genetic component of predisposition. And Knee Osteoarthritis is closely related to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle”, completes Ari.

Treatment for Arthritis and Osteoarthritis:  Because it affects the joints , areas essential for body movement, treatment must be taken very seriously. The doctor in charge may prescribe medication, physiotherapy sessions and even physical activity (with the necessary follow-up), to strengthen the joint and reduce its stiffness.

If none of the suggested treatments work or the condition is already very advanced, surgery may be performed in order to remove the damaged tissues and, instead, implant a joint prosthesis. Another very common way out is the infiltration of hormones that have anti-inflammatory action (called corticoids) in the injured tissue. To make it easier to understand, here are some comparisons:

How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis: Arthritis:

  • What is Arthritis: It is characterized by inflammation of the joints .
  • Symptoms of Arthritis: Joint pain, swelling and stiffness .
  • How to Diagnose Arthritis: X-ray, MRI and ultrasound exams.
  • Main Arthritis Treatments: Physiotherapy, use of medication prescribed by the doctor and the practice of physical activities.
  • Is It Possible to Prevent Arthritis? Yes, through a healthy lifestyle (exercise and food), in addition to periodic exams.

Useful links: 

How to Differentiate Arthritis from Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis:

  • What is Osteoarthritis: It is characterized by joint wear .
  • Symptoms of Osteoarthritis: swelling, pain, stiffness in the joints and the formation of lumps in the joints (most common on the fingertips).
  • How to Diagnose Osteoarthritis: Through physical exams, in which the doctor moves the joints in search of characteristic noises and detects swelling; X-ray exams may also be ordered.
  • Main Osteoarthritis Treatments: Physiotherapy, massages, use of orthotics (better known as “munhequerias” and acupuncture (as an alternative in some cases).
  • Is it Possible to Prevent Osteoarthritis? Yes, through preventive exercises, adequate nutrition and periodic examinations.

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