6 homemade tips to treat colds in babies

Home Tips for Treating Colds in Babies are diverse and effective. Also, every year, hundreds of babies and young children suffer from colds and coughs , mainly due to their weak immune system . In fact, most babies have about seven colds in their first year of life. Children absorb the viruses that cause infection through contact with an infected person or with contaminated air or surfaces. Dealing with a sick child can be really difficult for both parents and caregivers.The American Academy of Pediatrics advises administering natural medicines to treat coughs and colds in children under 6 years of age, because of potentially fatal side effects. Home treatments will relieve your symptoms and strengthen your  immune system .

However, be sure to call your doctor if your child has a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and symptoms that last longer than a week. Always see your doctor if your baby is under 3 months old and has a fever . Check out the 6 homemade tips to treat colds in babies:

Sponge bath: To reduce fever in small babies, give them a cold water bath or sponge bath to regulate their body temperature. Bathing has the added benefit of relaxation so your child can sleep better, which is essential for faster recovery.

For small babies, give them a sponge bath 2 or 3 times a day. Soak the sponge in tap water, and wipe excess water from the armpits, feet, hands and groin to reduce the temperature. Another option is to put a cold, damp cloth on the baby’s forehead, removing it after a few minutes. Older children can shower normally.

Note: Avoid using very cold water, which can raise your internal body temperature.

Lemon: Lemon is another good home remedy to treat colds in babies . Being rich in vitamin C, lemon helps boost the immune system and aids the body in fighting colds and flu. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties also help to reduce symptoms such as a sore throat, runny nose and cough .

  • Place the juice and rinds of 4 lemons and 1 tablespoon of ginger in a saucepan.
  • Add enough boiling water to cover the ingredients.
  • Cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Sift the liquid.
  • Dilute this liquid with an equal amount of warm water and add raw honey for taste.
  • Give your child this hot lemonade to drink a few times a day.

Note: For babies under 1 year, add sugar instead of honey for taste.

Honey: Honey is a safe remedy to treat a cold in babies and children . It has high antibacterial, antioxidant and immune-enhancing properties that help to lessen a cough , soothe a sore throat and kill the bacteria causing the infection.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • You can also give your child a spoonful of wheat honey several times a day.
  • A glass of warm milk with honey can relieve a dry cough and reduce chest pain.

Note: Never give honey to babies under 1 year old as it contains bacteria that can cause infant botulism.

Hot Chicken Soup: For children over 1 year old, hot chicken soup is a great choice for Treating Colds or Coughs . It is light and nourishing and can help relieve congestion. Antioxidants speed up the healing process. In addition, chicken soup improves the function of protective cilia in the nasal cavity that prevent contagions from entering the body.

A 2000 study published in the journal Chest states that chicken soup contains a number of substances with beneficial medicinal activities for upper respiratory tract infections. Serve your kids chicken soup with organic vegetables like carrots, beetroot and spinach. You can feed your baby 2 or 3 times a day with this soup.

Oranges: The vitamin C present in oranges helps increase the production of white blood cells that fight cold-causing germs, eliminating Colds . It also boosts the immune system to relieve symptoms such as coughing , sore throat and runny nose.

For children 2 years and older, give 1 to 2 glasses of orange juice daily. For younger babies, dilute the orange juice with an equal amount of warm water and give them to drink at regular intervals. Older children can be given oranges to eat to increase their vitamin C intake.

Ginger: Ginger is another very popular natural cure for Colds and Coughs due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antitussive ( cough suppression ) properties. It is also effective in inducing sweating and expulsion of heat, which in turn relieves fever . Plus, it boosts the immune system to help speed recovery.

  • Place 6 cups of water, ½ cup of thinly sliced ​​ginger and 2 cinnamon sticks in a saucepan.
  • Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Add raw honey or sugar and give it to your child to drink several times a day.
  • For babies younger than 1 year, you can dilute the liquid in warm water before giving it to them.
  • Older children may also be given gingerbread slices or chewable ginger candies.

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