The 5 Most Common Viral Diseases in Children

The Most Common Viral Diseases in Children and How to Avoid Them. In addition, viruses are more common in early childhood, because with each virus the child gains organic resistance and becomes immune to that type of virus. The means of contagion are diverse, from contaminated food to the air. Climate changes that affect immunity can also facilitate the contraction of viruses.

Difficult to define due to the amount of viruses on the planet, a virus infection is called any virus  infection that presents characteristic symptoms such as respiratory complications (colds, flu, bronchiolitis) and, in many cases, diarrhea, which are also viral symptoms.

A means of definition would be the affected organ. For example, the doctor knows when it comes to hepatitis because the affected organ was the liver, causing jaundice and malaise. So, check out now The 5 Most Common Viral Diseases in Children:

Most Common Viral Diseases in Children: Here are the top most common viral diseases in childhood and how to avoid them:

  • Flu: Usually presents with fever, coryza, prostration, malaise. Vaccinate the child, always hydrate him, feed well, if he is a baby, breastfeed him and avoid crowds. If the child has the flu, they should not go to school or day care.
  • Cold: Does not always have a fever or has a low-grade fever and a runny nose. Difficult to avoid, but some care should be taken if someone in the family has symptoms, such as: covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, separating utensils such as cutlery and glasses and washing your hands well. The child should not go to school or day care.
  • Dengue: Severe body pain, prostration, headache, fever (usually high), headache, eye pain. Care should be prophylactic, such as fighting outbreaks of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Medical attention as soon as possible, rest and hydration are essential.
  • Hepatitis: Yellow skin and eyes, fever, prostration, lack of appetite. Transmitted by contaminated food, personal objects and sharps (syringes, for example). Always hygienic food, hands and avoid sharing personal objects.
  • Diarrhea (dysentery): Intestinal infections are the main causes of diarrhea. Hygiene is the main prevention factor. In addition, avoid foods of dubious origin or that have been exposed to infectious agents.
Useful links: 

Most serious viruses can be prevented by vaccination (mumps, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, etc.). Keep your vaccinations up to date. Treatment is usually abundant hydration, rest, good nutrition, pain and fever medication and patience to wait for the virus to complete its cycle and leave the body. Breastfeeding also provides antibodies that help prevent the most common childhood illnesses. When it comes to viruses , there is no specific medication.

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