Homemade Recipe to Treat Rhinitis Naturally

The Home Recipe to Treat Rhinitis Naturally  works effectively and is a great healthy recipe option. In addition, rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. Rhinitis has many  causes, from colds , irritating chemicals, medications and allergies. The symptoms are very similar among all types of Rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis is just one type. Medication rhinitis  is very common, as people use medication in the nose without medical advice, without knowing what risks they are running.

Rhinitis  or nasal congestion is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, mainly in the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis is mainly  caused by viruses and is very common in autumn, winter and early spring, and is often associated with a cold .

Causes of Rhinitis:  People who have other allergic diseases, such as asthma , dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis , are at greater risk for allergic rhinitis  . Other risk factors for allergic rhinitis  include a family history, frequenting humid and stuffy places, or living in areas with a lot of air pollution. The main causes of Rhinitis  can be:

  • Viral or bacterial infection in the airways.
  • Allergy to dust, mites, animal skin peeling, tree or flower pollen, pollution and smoke.
  • Several substances present in the environment are allergenic, but the main and predominant ones are dust, pollen and some foods.

House dust is the main cause of Rhinitis  in much of Brazil. This dust has several components, such as remains of animal hair, human and animal skin flakes and remains of insects, bacteria, fungi and mites.

Symptoms of Rhinitis:  Some symptoms of allergic rhinitis  arise soon after coming into contact with the allergen. The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis  crisis are:

  • Irritation in the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin or any other region;
  • Coryza;
  • Odor problems;
  • Watering in the eyes;
  • sneezing.

Some symptoms of allergic rhinitis  present themselves over hours:

But there are effective home remedies that can help control blood pressure naturally so check out the  Home Recipe to Treat Rhinitis Naturally:



  • In a pot, boil fresh eucalyptus leaves with water.
  • Pour into a bowl, being careful not to burn yourself.
  • Cover your head with a bath towel and inhale the steam from this mixture for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Do this inhalation before bed.

Attention:  Do not use any home remedy if you are taking any medication. Talk to a doctor first and seek professional help whenever symptoms persist.

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