Homemade recipe to get rid of cellulite: how to do it, recipes and tips

Homemade recipe to get rid of cellulite , Cellulite are pockets of fat accumulated under the skin causing pits in the hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Cellulite is characterized by the appearance of ripples in the skin, giving that “orange peel” appearance.

Therefore, Cellulite occurs by degeneration of fatty tissue with poor circulation.

Cellulite is an aesthetic problem that bothers a lot and destroys any woman’s self-esteem . Cellulite occurs in  90% of women shortly after adolescence and rarely happens in men. Contrary to what is said, Cellulite is not related to obesity, as Cellulite  appears in obese, normal and thin people.

Treatments to Eliminate Cellulite:

 Even though it is not a disease, many people wonder if cellulite has a cure. The search for a treatment to END Cellulite  is huge, and this is something that really bothers women. If you can’t make peace with cellulite , know that you’re not alone, no less than nine out of ten women have the unmistakable condition that marks the skin and causes an orange peel appearance. Discover some of the treatments that guarantee END with Cellulite

Lymphatic drainage: Lymphatic drainage is one of the most widespread and accessible treatments for ACABAR with Cellulite , as lymphatic drainage consists of a massage that stimulates the elimination of liquid and toxins retained in the tissues.

Through gentle movements with the tips of the fingers or the palms of the hands, the fluids accumulated under the skin are carried towards the lymph nodes so that they are permanently eliminated from the body. In milder cases of Cellulite , the technique also helps to break up small lumps of fat, as it improves blood circulation in the area.

Creams:  There are literally an infinity of creams that promise to END Cellulite . But so far, we have no evidence that they actually work.

From products based on green tea, resveratrol and caffeine, to more complex imported formulas, all creams are based on the principle that to improve cellulite it is necessary to increase circulation and reduce the accumulation of fat in the area.

Foods That Help Get Rid of Cellulite:

 Several aesthetic treatments promise to END Cellulite , but they will be ineffective if they are not combined with a healthy life.

There are foods that can be consumed regularly to END Cellulite . Some are rich in fiber and vitamins, with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help END Cellulite and even accelerate the results of treatments.

  • Dark green leaves: Bet on arugula and spinach to improve circulation and detoxify the body. These greens are antioxidants that fight free radicals and help prevent premature aging.
  • Oilseeds: Nuts, chestnuts and almonds act as an antioxidant and prevent the emergence of cellulite and still have the presence of selenium.
  • Coconut Water : Coconut water reduces the toxins that give rise to Cellulite . In addition, it balances the body and brings a number of health benefits as a whole.
  • Apple: When the apple is ingested, a “gel” is formed that delays the absorption of glucose and makes it difficult to absorb fats. In addition, the apple helps to neutralize the toxins in the body that cause discomfort.
  • Salmon, sardines and tuna: These fish are rich in omega 3 and protein, while being low in fat and helping to END Cellulite .
  • Pineapple : Pineapple is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that acts as an anti-inflammatory and therefore should be consumed by those who want to END Cellulite .
  • Berries: Rich in vitamin C and A, they fight free radicals as they are antioxidants, strengthen blood vessels and decrease insulin production.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is famous for its antioxidant and diuretic action, being a great ally in the control of Cellulite . The ideal is to drink three glasses a day so that, little by little, the Cellulite is softened.

Home remedies to get rid of cellulite:

 There are also some homemade tips to END Cellulite , check out the full recipe below and see the 4 Home Recipes to Eliminate Cellulite

1- Sesame Oil and Salt: These two ingredients are excellent for ENDING Cellulite . Also, buy good cold- pressed sesame oil that you can buy at health food stores or online. So, check out how to use it:

Preparation method:

  • Warm a cup (tea) of water;
  • Add half a cup (tea) of sesame oil ;
  • Half a cup (tea) of salt.

How to use:

  • Mix well and place in a tightly capped glass container.
  • The application is simple, just massage the desired area firmly for 10 minutes before bathing.

2- Honey and Egg White: This treatment to  END Cellulite is simple and very efficient. But it is important to use pure, good quality honey.

How to use:

  • Mix the white of an egg with a spoon (soup) of honey;
  • Apply on the desired part and wait 20 minutes;
  • Then wash your skin with plenty of water and apply a good moisturizer.

3-Coffee and Sugar Scrub: Most home remedies to get rid of cellulite use simple combinations of very affordable things. The homemade coffee and sugar scrub increases the metabolism of fats in the body and eliminates excess fluids in the skin tissue. Here are some tips on how to use the Coffee Sugar Scrub :

  • Mix half a cup of ground coffee with a quarter cup of brown sugar.
  • The mixture will form the exfoliant to use as a cellulite home remedy .
  • Use the exfoliator in the areas with cellulite with circular movements.
  • Olive oil can be applied to the areas.
  • Once this is accomplished, rinse the scrub in the shower.

A difference may be noticed after several weeks of consistent use.

4-Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar  is one of the best home remedies for How to Get Rid of Cellulite in 7 Days . The nutritional compositions of apple cider vinegar help to reduce the appearance of cellulite .

Estrogen and progesterone are two female hormones responsible for the formation of the fat that produces cellulite in most women, which can be reduced with this solution.

How to prepare apple cider vinegar as a treatment to get rid of cellulite in 7 days is as follows:

Note: Not forgetting that Cellulite  requires a complete treatment, that is, it won’t help you to smear your body day after day with any cream or homemade mask if you don’t combine it with a balanced diet.

Extra Tips:

  • Invest in a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding the consumption of processed foods, fried foods or foods with a lot of fat and sugars in their composition;
  • Drink a lot of water;
  • Practice physical exercises daily, lasting approximately 60 minutes. The most suitable exercises to End Cellulite  are those that use the legs more, such as step, jump, walk and run.

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