Homemade celery banana drink to stop a hangover (and how to make it)

Homemade celery banana drink  is a natural recipe that helps the body get rid of hangovers quickly.

In addition, it can be the salvation for those who have drunk too much and need to stay alert and focused, without showing it to anyone.

Drinking more than our limit is never the goal, but with the discovery of so much good beer, it is often inevitable to drink a little more.

For these moments, we decided to list some tips to end the hangover and so that the next morning you remember the night before more for the good beers than for your current headache  .

What is hangover?

A hangover occurs when there is intoxication in the body  due to too much alcohol, so it is a natural reaction of our body.

In order to process all the alcohol ingested and eliminate it, various organs in the body  have to work harder, above what would happen if there was no alcohol.

Main hangover symptoms

Some of the main symptoms of a hangover  are:

  • Severe  headache;
  • Sensitivity to sound and light;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • General malaise and body aches ;
  • Stomach ache ;  _
  • Dry mouth and very thirsty;
  • Lack of appetite.

These hangover symptoms usually appear the next day, after sleeping, but can happen earlier, between 4 to 6 hours after you stop drinking.

In addition, while the symptoms of vomiting, malaise,  stomach pain and  nausea are caused by the excessive work that the liver  does to eliminate alcohol from the blood , the symptoms of headache  , sensitivity to sounds, tiredness and thirst are caused by dehydration and decreased oxygen in the brain .

Homemade drink to get rid of hangovers

If you couldn’t avoid a hangover, the tip is to invest in foods  that help reduce the feeling of discomfort.

The most suitable for replenishing energy are  light and easily absorbed foods so that the stomach  and liver  do not become even more overloaded.

In addition to a light diet, another tip to end a hangover is to drink plenty of water to ensure hydration.

Coconut water is also great, as it provides liquid and aids in mineral replacement .

However, there are homemade recipes that can get rid of a hangover naturally in no time.


Preparation mode

  • Pass the ingredients through the centrifuge alternately.
  • When you get to a good consistency, stop.
  • Drink then.

How to prevent hangover

The best way to avoid a hangover is to avoid drinking, or drink in moderation.

However, if you’ve already “kicked the bucket”, you’ll probably want to get rid of these terrible symptoms as soon as possible.

Although, hangovers go away on their own within about 24 hours, you can also try eating certain foods to speed up the process, or at least make you feel better in the meantime.

The following are some of the food options that help cure hangovers.

Coconut Water : Coconut water helps to hydrate the body and replenish nutrients lost with excess alcohol.

Ginger : Ginger is known to be a great anticoagulant, antioxidant and to help fight nausea.

Therefore, a ginger tea can help the digestive system to be more efficient during this hangover process.

Egg: Eggs are an easily digestible food that is beneficial for your stomach, eggs are an excellent source of protein.

In addition, eggs contain cysteine, an amino acid that aids in alcohol metabolism.

Honey : Honey is a great choice of foods that help cure hangovers. Well, he is a food that contains fructose, glucose, sodium and potassium .

These nutrients help to normalize the functioning of the body after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Banana : Banana is an excellent alternative food that helps to cure hangovers.

Because, it is rich in potassium , soluble fiber and vitamin B6 , these nutrients help improve the digestive system, preventing diarrhea and vomiting.

Coffee : Coffee is an obvious choice for Hangovers, but here’s why.

Caffeine dilates blood vessels, which helps get rid of headaches as quickly as possible.

Also, caffeine even regulates brain functions, which are a bit hazy after a long night of drinking. so, coffee is a good choice of foods that help to cure hangovers.

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