8 home remedies to treat thrush at home!

Home remedies to treat candidiasis that many are unaware of, as this is a problem that arises from the increase in the population of the fungus  known as Candida. The presence of this fungus  in the flora of the intimate region is normal, but it is important to take proper care in situations where it develops more than usual.

This increase usually happens when the woman’s immune system lacks the necessary defenses, is pregnant, has diabetes, is taking antibiotics or corticosteroids excessively, or has poor hygienic habits involving the region.

Home remedies to treat thrush at home:

1. Garlic: 

Garlic is one of the most used natural antibiotics in the world. It is one of the  home remedies to treat candidiasis at home  that really works, as it has a large amount of sulfur , an effective substance in the treatment of this type of problem.

2. Natural yogurt: 

A well-known tip that is also very valid, especially for women, is natural yogurt . This is one of the home remedies to treat candidiasis at home  that will help to reduce the acidity in the affected area and prevent fungi from growing and proliferating in this region.

3. Coconut Oil: 

Coconut oil is also very effective in treating candidiasis. In addition, it has fatty acids and, like yogurt , will decrease acidity. In addition, it has an antimicrobial action that kills fungi .

4. Chamomile seca:

The sitz bath made with chamomile helps to treat candidiasis and even balances the pH of the vagina, preventing the manifestation of microorganisms. Mix three tablespoons of chamomile in a liter of warm, filtered water . Then put the liquid in a bowl and sit down. Wait about five minutes. Then, dry the area well. It is also important not to share this towel with anyone else.

5. Neem tea:

Also known as honeydew, neem leaves have antifungal and antibacterial properties, helping to treat candidiasis. Boil a handful of neem leaves in three glasses of filtered water  and strain. Use the mixture to wash the vaginal area once a day.

6. Aloe Vera: 

The plant has vitamins , enzymes, amino acids and anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant and anti-fungal properties that help to inhibit the growth of the fungus that causes candidiasis. per day. Remember to wash the plant well before using it.

7. Sodium bicarbonate:

The 5% sodium bicarbonate solution helps treat candidiasis  albicans. To do this, just mix a cup of the product in a basin with hot water  and sit down. Stay in the position for about 15 minutes once a day for a week.

8. Mint: 

Take half a liter of water  along with five bay leaves and the same amount of mint to the fire a good amount. Also, then add ten drops of propolis in infusion. Turn off the heat and leave it covered until it cools down. Wash the intimate area with the mixture.

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