6 home remedies to relieve a cough (and how to do it)

The most effective home remedies to relieve cough there are and will help you get rid of irritating cough, it will also improve your throat and various other symptoms related to flu and other viral diseases.

Have you ever had stomach pains from coughing so much? That’s not that rare.

After all, for a productive cough, many muscles combine their strength to create a common “energy” in which they build up enormous pressure.

But, this effort for the sore muscles is not enough.

You still want to get rid of the cough  as soon as possible, right? Cough irritation can last for several days and become really irritating.

Fortunately, there are numerous home remedies to relieve coughing that alleviate the urge to cough in addition to possible swelling of the mucous membranes.

But why do we cough?

Simply: the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are covered with very fine hairs, called cilia .

If there is a foreign body in the airway area, lift the eyelashes by wave-like movements, as if they were floating and transported by millions of hands from the airway area.

If the foreign body is not willing to leave this area, it needs some mucus to help it and “surfs” it through the respiratory tract of the cilia.

Stay tuned for the best home remedies to relieve cough.

The more involuntarily the foreign body, the more mucus is produced by the body and taken away to help.

If our eyelashes are stuck to pus or through deposits such as those caused by smoking, it could be that they are too weak to carry the foreign body into the body.

What happens to our body when we cough?

Now the chance of getting sore muscles due to coughing increases.

Fine receptors in the airways now help the muscles, so to speak.

Now they are trying to mimic the principle of a volcano through a gigantic interaction.

Here, immensely high pressure is created and then released again like a catapult.

But remember, don’t spend a lot of money, use ingredients you have at home to make your cough relief home remedies .

In this way, the mucilaginous foreign body likes it or not is finally thrown out of the respiratory area, out of the mouth and also as far away from the body as possible.

It is said that the pressure our muscles build up remember zero speed corresponds to the speed of a hurricane.

This means that with each cough , our body internally accelerates to 100 km/h.

Now we also understand why we should take care of coughing and relax in bed.

This is the only way for the body to reach the highest level of effort to remove foreign bodies from the body.

What Can Too Much Coughing Cause?

Cough can also be caused by inflammation of the airways or an allergic reaction.

In naturopathy, we find numerous plants and applications that can support us during this period.

Cough is often accompanied by a stuffy nose, neck pain that can radiate to the back, muscle pain, headache, and nausea.

Mucous membranes are also often swollen.

In general, mucus is considered indicative of the causes. If the mucus is clear and colorless, it indicates a viral illness.

If, on the other hand, it is quite greenish, there is probably more of a bacterial disease.

What helps against cough?

Anyone who has a cough as an allergic reaction to a substance should stop contact immediately.

However, home remedies for coughing can help with short-term relief from irritable cough .

Many recommend our delicious  Homemade Cough Syrup recipe.

Otherwise, they are mostly used when coughing appears as an acute symptom of a cold.

This is the case for most affected people. If the cough is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, fever, or bloody sputum, cough home remedies will no longer be enough.

A doctor’s visit is required here.

What to do if the cough is persistent and irritating?

Even if the cough is irritable, affected people must first drink heavily.

The liquid moisturizes the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. As dry mucous membranes increase the urge to cough, this is relieved by liquid.

It is advisable to drink water or sage tea, which protects the mucous membranes with its essential oils.

An increase in humidity helps to do this. In dry rooms, for example, you can place an open container filled with water on the heater.

Inhalation is also worth keeping dry mucous membranes moist.

Nature produces plants such as onions , which, thanks to anti-inflammatory substances, are ideal as a natural cough remedy .

If you want to fight cough, prepare an onion mixture .

For this purpose, a small chopped onion  is mixed with honey or mints and slowly boiled at low temperatures.

The mixture is then allowed to stand for at least an hour and then sieved.

The patient takes three teaspoons of the drink three times a day.

Potato packs are just as effective. If you’re wondering what helps coughing, it’s also an alternative to gently boil potatoes and then mash them in a cloth.

The wrap is closed, wrapped in a towel and placed on the chest or around the neck.

Potatoes shouldn’t be too hot. Before changing the diaper, the person in question should test whether the temperature is pleasant.

Instead of potatoes, a boiled porridge made from flaxseed and water can be used.

The wrap relaxes, warms and thus relieves unpleasant coughing .

What are the home remedies to relieve cough?

1. Radish cough syrup :

Radish is considered a wonderful weapon and one of the home remedies for relieving cough .

Winter radish juice inhibits germs and inflammation. You can get the fresh vegetables from the health food store or market:

Preparation mode:

1. Cut off the radish cap .
2. Then scoop out about a third of the radish spherically with a spoon or a suitable tool.
3. Prick the bottom of the radish some of the holes, for example with a knitting needle.
4. Then place it in a container, such as a bowl or a suitable cup.
5. Fill the radish with brown sugar or granulated sugar and a tablespoon of honey.
6. Close the radish again with the cap cut off.
7. Leave on the sweet and spicy mix half a day in a warm tie.
8. The sugar dissolves and extracts the juice from the radish.
9. The radish syrupit now drips into the small bowl under the root vegetables, in which you pick it up.
10. Fill cough syrup into a sealable container and place in the refrigerator.
11. Lasts a few days in low temperatures.
12. Take a tablespoon of radish syrup about three times a day.

Tip: The next day, loosen some of the radish pulp and fill it with sugar again, then let it rest.

For larger radishes, you can repeat the process a few times until the pulp is “consumed”.

2. Ginger Cough Syrup :

Ginger is considered to be extremely healthy and is known as home remedies to relieve coughing .

But the sharp root also helps with a dry cough.

How to make:

  1. Buy fresh ginger root  and remove brown skin.
  2. Then cut some slices.
  3. Chew ginger  several times a day for a while.
  4. You can also make tea with  fresh ginger .
  5.  Cut a few pieces and pour about a liter of boiling water over them.
  6. Let the ginger  infuse for about ten minutes.
  7. You can sweeten ginger tea  with honey.
  8. Enjoy several cups of ginger tea  daily.

3. Onion and Lemon Cough Syrup:

Lemon and hot onion are an unbeatable duo as home remedies to relieve coughing .

This recipe is said to work wonders for a cough:

How to make:

  1. Cut a slice of lemon (organic) and place it in a glass.
  2. Place a slice of peeled onion on top.
  3. Then pour honey on top.
  4. According to this principle, you place several layers on top of each other and let it sit for several hours.
  5. Gently squeeze the mixture to squeeze out the onion juice  and lemon juice.
  6. Take the lemon onion  syrup as a cough syrup.
  7. In the fridge you can store it for several days.

4. Mel:

As studies show, honey is one of the natural remedies for relieving cough . This is due to the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of honey. Scientists also suspect that dark varieties help better than lighter ones. Home remedy for irritable cough:

Preparation mode:

1. Before going to bed, you can let a spoon or two of honey melt in your mouth.
2. Alternatively, you can also stir honey into a tea.
3. Another alternative: make cough syrup with honey and onion .
4. Babies should not eat honey in their first year of life. It contains a germ that can form poison in the intestines.

5. Sage:

Hot water steam is beneficial, and it is one of the natural remedies for relieving cough . Inhalation is easier with the help of an inhaler. But you can also pour hot water into a bowl and slowly inhale the steam with a towel over your head (more on this inhale for colds and coughs).

You should inhale three to four times a day. In case of irritable cough, inhalation with an infusion of sage is recommended to moisten and soothe irritated mucous membranes. This is due to the antimicrobial essential oils found in sage.

Preparation mode:

1. If you don’t have an inhaler, place a handful of sage leaves (fresh or dried) in a bowl of hot water.
2. Then deeply inhale and exhale the steam with a towel over your head.
3. You can use natural remedies to relieve a  strong cough.
4. Caution for young children: to avoid getting burned in hot water, do not let them breathe in unsupervised.

6. Onion juice:

Onion juice  with sweet sugar is also particularly effective:

Preparation mode:

1. To do this, cut an onion into small pieces and boil it with some sweet sugar over low heat.
2. Press the cooled mixture onto a kitchen towel and drink the onion juice obtained in this way in spoonfuls.
3. Juice ingredients work against inflammation and germs and effectively soothe bronchial and cough.
4. Good to know: If you don’t have sugar candies at home, you can also use honey to prepare natural cough syrup.

How long will homemade cough syrup last?

Since Homemade Cough Syrup is made with cooking ingredients, you can easily make it when needed.

I kept this safely in the kitchen cupboard for several weeks. You can keep it in a small glass jar, making it easy to shake before use.

What is the proper dosage?

It’s up to you. I can say we take 2 teaspoons as needed to help stop coughing.

We safely take it several times a day with no side effects.

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