The 12 homemade recipes to eliminate stretch marks!

Stretch marks are the result of the constant stretching of the elastic fibers of the skin. Certain sudden tension causes the inner layers of the skin to break down, resulting in scarring. There are two types of stretch marks . The first occurs due to tension or loss of elasticity, resulting from pregnancy, growth in adolescence and any change in volume due to hormonal changes.

The second type is caused by excess cortisol, due to the need to take corticosteroids in high doses for a long period of time. Stretch marks are most common on the abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. They are reddish or purplish lines that become a little lighter than the skin color.

What are the causes of stretch marks?

Stretch marks are consequences of excessive distension (stretching) of the skin, that is, it is a break in the skin in a certain area of ​​the body where it has been stretched too much. We know that the skin has a limit, when we go over that limit, stretching it too much, stretch marks can occur as we are providing it with more pressure than the skin can handle, resulting in the breakage.

There are several factors that can be linked to the appearance of stretch marks :

  • Gain and lose weight frequently,
  • Accelerated growth during adolescence,
  • Excessive muscle gain,
  • Dry skin,
  • Skin that is heavily exposed to the sun’s rays,
  • Among countless others.

But luckily for you, you can learn some measures to prevent it – very simple steps can guarantee beautiful, healthy skin and well away from those terrifying (and mostly irreversible) stretch marks! So, see  The 12 Home Recipes to Eliminate Stretch Marks.

1. Aloe vera:


Preparation mode:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a mixer.
  • Apply on the affected areas with a gentle massage until completely absorbed.
  • Store the cream in a clean, sealed container in the refrigerator.

2. Beetroot with peach:


Preparation mode:

  • Grind beet and peach skins .
  • Add a tablespoon of almond oil .
  • Wash the affected area thoroughly.
  • Apply the paste.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes.
  • Remove with cold water.

Tip: very hot water worsens the appearance of stretch marks because it makes the skin very sensitive, so take a warm or cold shower.

3. Horsetail:

Horsetail is a plant with a very high drug content, and has silicon in its composition, which acts by regenerating cells.


  • 120g of the horsetail plant .
  • 10 drops of Lemon .
  • 1 liter of 40% alcohol.

Preparation mode:

  • It must be prepared through maceration, that is, it is the extraction of the substance from the plant for a certain time (1 month).
  • After a month of preparation, dilute all the prepared lotion in half a liter of water.
  • Apply to affected areas twice a day.

Important: do not expose yourself to the sun while using homemade recipes to get rid of stretch marks, lemon can stain your skin.

4. Carrot:

Carrots nourish the skin and help provide elasticity to the skin. Oatmeal has a powerful cleansing action (acts by cleaning the pores), has a calming action, in addition to forming a protective barrier keeping the skin away from external damage.


Preparation mode:

  • Blend all the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Wash the area to be applied the paste well.
  • Apply the paste with circular and smooth movements.
  • Let it act for 15 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water so that the pores are closed.
  • Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.

5. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a plant also known as aloe, it is rich in essential nutrients to eliminate stretch marks as it has minerals such as copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc… in addition to having a soothing action for the skin.


Preparation mode:

  • Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Wash the affected area well.
  • Apply the paste with gentle, circular movements over the area.
  • Leave to act for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water.
  • Repeat this process at least 2 times a week.

6. Sugar and coffee:

The sugar works by exfoliating the affected area, promoting a deep cleaning of the pores. Coffee also acts as a natural exfoliant, in addition to having skin firming properties and lightening dark spots.


  • 1 tablespoon of coffee powder .
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil .

Preparation mode:

  • Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Wash the affected area well.
  • Apply the paste in gentle circular motions.
  • Let it act for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water.
  • Repeat this process at least 2 times a week.

7. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E acts as a powerful natural antioxidant protecting the skin’s collagen fibers. You can find Vitamin E in: sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds, avocado , in capsules, etc.


Preparation mode:

  • Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Use as many times as you wish a day, at least 2 times.

8. Avocado:

Avocado is rich in Vitamin E , Vitamin A , B1, B2, it is a powerful antioxidant, rich in proteins, iron, mineral substances and natural oils, as well as acting as an excellent skin restorer and preservative.


Preparation mode:

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • Wash the affected area well.
  • Apply the paste on the affected area.
  • Let it act for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water.
  • Repeat the process at least 2 times a week.

Important: do not expose yourself to the sun after applying lemon -based solutions . Lemon can stain your skin.

9. Almond and oat oil:


Preparation mode:

  • The idea is similar to the previous cream.
  • Mix the ingredients by hand, apply by massaging for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

10. Carrot Paste:


Preparation mode:

  • Whisk the ingredients together and apply on the stretch marks .

11. Aloe and avocado cream:


Preparation mode:

  • Add all ingredients to a blender, blend until a paste forms.
  • Use the cream to massage in circular motions on the areas where you have stretch marks , leaving it on for about 20 minutes.

12. Lemon and olive oil:


How to use?

  • Rub the entire area affected by stretch marks with Lemon ;
  • Massage the entire area where you put the Lemon , for 10 minutes;
  • Let the skin rest for 10 minutes and add the drops of extra virgin olive oil;
  • Re-massage so that the skin absorbs the oil .

How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks?

Well, it is very difficult to prevent them from appreciating, as it varies from person to person, some people are more prone to the appearance of stretch marks , others are not. What we can do to minimize the risk of stretch marks is:

  • Have a healthy diet, rich in red fruits as they increase blood circulation
  • Lymphatic drainage can also be an outlet to minimize the appearance of stretch marks , this technique consists of a massage that reduces the amount of fluid retained by the tissues.
  • Consume enough Vitamin C , so you will be able to increase the production of collagen by the body (it is found in: Orange , Kiwi , Tomato , Spinach , Guava , Acerola , etc.).
  • Maintaining good skin hydration is essential to prevent them.

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