10 homemade recipes to get rid of the cold!

These are the best homemade recipes to get rid of the cold quickly and naturally as this condition is caused by a virus that affects the respiratory tract. Among the most common symptoms are coughing , sneezing , runny nose and nasal congestion.

Treatment basically consists of rest, fluid intake and good nutrition. According to a survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the common cold is the main cause of issuing medical certificates. According to the survey, carried out in 2013, 17.8% of the absences that year were caused by common colds .

Home remedies to get rid of a cold:

1. Eucalyptus tea with rosemary and mint:


– 300 ml of  filtered water ;
– 2 Eucalyptus leaves ;
– 1 teaspoon of rosemary ;
– 5 mint leaves .

Preparation mode: 

  1. Take a pan and put the water  to boil.
  2. Once it starts to boil, turn off the heat and add all the other ingredients.
  3. Leave the pan covered and wait 10 minutes.
  4. After this time, use a sieve to remove all the other ingredients so that only the tea remains.
  5. While still hot, drink up to three cups during the day.

SEE ALSO:  The 35 Health Benefits of Peppermint

2. Ginger, Garlic and Lemon Tea:


  1. Take a pan and put the water  to boil.
  2. At the same time, add the  peeled ginger and cut into small slices.
  3. Also add the minced garlic  .
  4. Let it boil for 10 minutes.
  5. After this time, turn off the heat and add the lemon juice , or cut into slices.
  6. Smother the mixture and let it infuse for five minutes.
  7. Use a sieve to remove the remaining ingredients and the drink is ready to drink.
  8. The recommendation is to drink up to three cups a day.

3. Parsley Juice:

Therefore, also known as parsley, parsley  is rich in vitamin A , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin C and vitamin D. It is also very rich in mineral salts such as calcium , iron , phosphorus , sulfur , potassium  and magnesium . Therefore, due to this super beneficial composition for health, parsley is excellent for fighting the flu. See a tip on how to use it.


  1. Extract the juice from the parsley leaves and stems  and add hot milk  and bee honey;
  2. Therefore consumption should be up to three cups a day;

4. Milk and turmeric:

Therefore, milk  combined with turmeric and powdered ginger  fights cough and other symptoms, such as headache and throat.


  1. So after boiling the milk , add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half a tablespoon of  powdered ginger .
  2. Wait for the mixture to get warm and drink it.
  3. Consumption can be made up to twice a day.

SEE ALSO:  The 40 Health Benefits of Milk

5. Cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon helps relieve sore  throat and also treat dry cough. In addition to the recipe, you can also choose to consume a few drops of Cinnamon Bark Oil  with Honey .


  1. Just mix the tablespoon of Cinnamon  and the two cloves of Garlic ;
  2. Place the glass of water and let it boil for 15 to 20 minutes;
  3. Strain and drink while it’s still hot.
  4. Therefore consumption should occur from one to three times a day;

6. Lemon and honey:

Thus preferred in the treatment of cold, honey  is considered a soothing that treats irritated throat and helps to heal the cold faster;


  1. Just mix the lemon juice  and the two teaspoons of honey ;
  2. The drink should be consumed every two hours until symptoms are relieved;

7. Ginger:

Used in various treatments, Ginger is also useful to cure the cold. The antiviral, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties are responsible for helping in the treatment. Ginger can be consumed  in different ways:

SEE ALSO:  The 40 Health Benefits of Ginger!

8. Acerola:

Acerola juice is considered one of the best fruit juices for treating a cold because of its incredible invigorating power. For this, just make juice with the acerola and dilute the juice in water. If you want to sweeten the juice, add a spoon of honey . Consumption should occur up to four times a day.

9. Chicken Soup:

So with different nutrients and vitamins, chicken soup is great for treating cold . In addition, chicken soup has antioxidant properties , which help in the healing process.

As a result of the vitamins, chicken soup will boost immunity and help recover the body that is tired from a cold.

10. Orange juice:

Orange juice is a good ally for treating a cold . In this case, it is important that it is pure, without any addition of water.


– Juice of 2 oranges ;
– 10 drops of propolis .

Preparation mode:

  1. Squeeze the two oranges and heat the drink;
  2. If you want, add 10 drops of propolis;
  3. The drink should be made up to four times a day.

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