The 20 Health Benefits of Brown Rice

The Benefits of Brown Rice are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, rice is the staple food of many regions of Brazil. But white rice is full of carbohydrates and calories. So, the best option is to consume brown rice ! The unpolished, unrefined form of white rice is known as brown rice . Brown rice is obtained by removing the outer hull of the rice grain. Brown rice retains the nutrient-filled bran layer.Brown rice is rich in essential minerals such as magnesium , calcium , potassium , manganese , phosphorus , zinc , iron and selenium. It also contains essential vitamins like vitamin B1 called thiamine, vitamin B2 called riboflavin, vitamin B3 called niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin E and also vitamin K. It is a good source of protein and has a rich amount of fiber. On top of all that, brown rice provides important fatty acids, which are vital for maintaining good health. There are numerous benefits to including brown your diet, not just for your health, but also for your skin and hair!

Brown Rice for Flawless Skin:  The rich fiber content and other essential minerals in brown rice work extremely well to give you firm, flawless skin. Brown rice is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and magnesium, which protect the skin from blemishes and acne breakouts. The insulin produced by using white rice triggers a production of sebum on the skin. Excess sebum on the skin can cause breakouts. Brown rice effectively avoids this problem.

Brown Rice Prevents Premature Aging:  Packed with protein, brown rice repairs damaged skin. Fluctuating blood sugar levels can lead to stress, which is a major cause of aging. The complex carbohydrates present in brown rice can help regulate blood sugar levels, preventing premature aging. Rice bran is also considered to be highly effective when applied topically in preventing wrinkles.

Brown Rice Maintains Skin Elasticity and Youthfulness:  The selenium present in brown rice helps maintain skin elasticity and reduce inflammation. Brown rice can also be used to prepare a face mask. To make this face mask, first grind brown rice until it becomes very fine. Mix 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt with ½ tablespoon of ground rice. Apply this mixture on the face. Rinse it off with warm water after leaving it on for about 10 minutes.

Brown rice is good for keeping your hair healthy. It contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Folacin, Potassium and lots of fiber, all of which are necessary for healthy hair.

Brown Rice Heals Damaged Hair:  All these minerals and nutrients are needed by hair for healthy growth. Brown rice can be applied, along with other ingredients, to treat damaged hair. Mix ground rice with egg white and add a glass of water to the mixture. Whisk this mixture to make it slightly foamy. Apply this mixture to the hair. Rinse after about 10 minutes. It will help clean your hair and remove dirt and excess oil.

Benefits of Brown Rice to Control Cholesterol Level: Brown  rice contains natural oils, which helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in the body. The use of sprouted brown rice extractcan also prevent the increase of triglyceride content in the liver due to immoderate alcohol intake.

Brown Rice Benefits Against Free Radical Damage:  The presence of powerful antioxidants in brown rice helps protect the body from free radical damage.

Benefits of Brown Rice for Heart Disease:  Artery blockage due to plaque buildup can be reduced with regular consumption of brown rice. Brown rice helps keep your heart healthy with its rich selenium content.

Benefits of Brown Rice for Diabetics: Brown  rice for diabetes is another wonderful benefit. Its low glycemic index helps balance blood sugar levels by reducing the release of insulin in the body. Another study revealed that the development of diabetes can be reduced by up to 60% with regular consumption of brown rice .

Benefits of Brown Rice to  Help Control Weight:  For people trying to lose weight, brown rice is the perfect solution. The manganese in brown rice aids in the synthesis of extra fat in the body. It also amplifies the function of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. It also helps improve HDL cholesterol levels, the good cholesterol, to fight obesity.

Brown Rice Prevents Cancer: Brown  rice is helpful in fighting various types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer and leukemia. The presence of fiber and potent antioxidants in brown rice makes it a perfect weapon against cancer. The fiber found in brown rice clings to dangerous, cancer-causing toxins. Brown rice contains important phenols such as ferulic acid, tricine, and caffeic acid, which are helpful in restraining the uncontrolled growth of breast and colon cancer cells. Research has also verified the antitumor properties of brown rice.

Brown Rice Prevents Neurodegenerative Complications: Brown  rice , especially sprouted rice, is rich in aminobutyric acid that helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The essential components present in sprouted brown rice help to inhibit a harmful enzyme known as prothiodopentadase.

Benefits of Brown Rice To Treat Insomnia:  Melatonin, the sleep hormone present in brown rice , helps to elevate the quality of sleep. Insomnia can be effectively treated with brown rice. The sleep hormone found in brown rice helps the nerves to relax, which improves the sleep cycle.

Benefits of Brown Rice to Prevent Gallstones:  Excessive amount of bile acids is known to cause gallstones. The insoluble fiber present in brown rice reduces the level of bile acids secreted by the intestine along with increasing food movement, reducing the chances of gallstone formation.

Brown Rice Maintains Bone Health: Brown  rice is rich in magnesium, which is considered an important nutrient needed to maintain healthy bones, along with vitamin D and calcium. It is useful for preventing and treating osteoporosis and other bone disorders. This is one of the wonderful health benefits of brown rice.

Benefits of Brown Rice for  the Nervous System:  Brown rice is useful in maintaining the proper functioning of the nervous system and brain. Brain metabolism is accelerated with the help of essential minerals like manganese and vitamin B present in brown rice. The magnesium found in brown rice also helps regulate muscles and nerves. It controls the sudden release of calcium in the nerve cells and prevents the nerve from having a sudden activation. This keeps the muscles and nerves relaxed and prevents contraction. Brown rice is rich in vitamin E, which also helps to prevent various brain-related diseases.

Benefits of Brown Rice Against Childhood Asthma:  Studies have shown that consuming whole grains such as brown rice along with fish reduces asthma symptoms and wheezing by 50%.

Brown Rice Keeps Immune System Strong: Brown  rice is packed with essential minerals, vitamins and important phenolic components that help boost the body’s immune system. It helps speed healing and nourishes the body so it can better fight infections.

Benefits of Brown Rice for  Breastfeeding Women: Sprouted  brown rice is beneficial for lactating mothers. Research has confirmed the positive results in lactating women regarding the reduction of fatigue, depression and mood disorders.

Brown Rice Benefits For Antidepressant Properties: Sprouted  brown rice contains antidepressant properties and helps in fighting various mental disorders. Research has shown that the presence of essential amino acids in brown rice such as glycerin, GABA and glutamine work to reduce depression, anxiety and stress.

Brown Rice Supports Intestinal Function:  The presence of insoluble fiber in brown rice helps with proper digestion and aids in proper excretion. Water is drawn into the intestines because of the presence of fiber, which results in preventing constipation by adding more fluid to the bowel movements.

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