12 health benefits of artichoke tea!

The benefits of artichoke tea are diverse, as it has a large amount of  essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, despite having European origin, the artichoke is a plant cultivated all over the world and much appreciated due to its medicinal properties. Artichokes can be consumed in a variety of ways, such as in tea form.

Artichoke tea is well known for being a home remedy with many uses. The properties of Artichoke Tea , widely known and recommended, are many.

Artichoke tea is rich in diuretics and detoxifying substances that cleanse the body and help eliminate excess fats and liquids. In addition, the substance is also famous for acting as a natural laxative to improve the digestive system.

Eliminates toxins from the body, facilitates digestion , fights various diseases, provides vitamins and minerals, improves liver health, fights cholesterol , helps fight cancer, lowers blood sugar levels.

Nutritional Value of Artichoke Tea:

Calories, fats, cholesterol, sodium, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium , manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium.

Health benefits of artichoke tea: 

Treating Gallbladder: 

Artichoke tea makes it ideal for treating diseases such as uric acid  , rheumatism and gallbladder stone problems.

Eliminates Toxins from the Body: 

Artichoke tea contains diuretic properties, which helps to reduce body swelling  , eliminates toxins and, consequently, helps in the weight loss process.

Facilitates Digestion: 

Artichoke Tea It has active principles such as cynarin and caffeic acid that activate the gallbladder and stimulate the formation of bile by the liver , facilitating the digestion of fats.

Eliminates Various Diseases: 

Artichoke tea eliminates fluid retention in the body, eliminates toxins , being perfect for gout problems, arthritis, liver diseases, circulatory problems and to eliminate fats in cases of obesity.

Improves Digestion: 

One of the main properties of artichoke tea is its power in the digestive system , as it is a natural diuretic and aids in digestion.

Provides Vitamins and Minerals: 

Artichoke  tea  is rich in  vitamins and minerals , magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, which are essential for the overall health of the body.

Liver Health: 

Artichoke tea becomes a very interesting food for the care and protection of the liver , in addition to promoting biliary function, it helps to cure liver diseases.

Improves Kidney Functions:

Artichoke tea stimulates the functioning of the kidneys , fighting swelling caused by fluid retention.

Helps Fight Cancer: 

Artichoke tea reduces the proliferation of some cancer cells , including prostate, breast and leukemia, so both leaf and artichoke tea are excellent for reducing the risk of cancer.

Fights Cholesterol: 

Artichoke tea is very valuable in the fight against cholesterol  , reducing the bad and increasing HDL, considered good.

Decreases Blood Sugar Levels: 

Artichoke tea helps to lower blood sugar levels . In addition to having a low glycemic index, which means that it does not cause sudden changes in glucose.

Relieves Pain: 

Artichoke Tea has properties that relieve stomach acidity , also eliminating pain, distension and skin discomfort .

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