The 10 Foods That Help Treat Constipation!
Foods that help treat constipation at home in a 100% natural and effective way, in addition to helping digestive health, preventing this problem. So issues like constipation aren’t the best subject to discuss, but for people facing obstruction, also known as constipation, a solution is more of a desperate need than just a desire.
Only way to treat constipation is through medications like sugar solutions. To avoid this and have a healthy gut that digests and expels it efficiently, you need to take a look at your diet and eat foods that make you poop.
Common causes of constipation:
News of the week:
If you take a lot of pain relievers whether it’s for chronic back pain or even headaches , these medications can cause a disruption in your digestive system. The same can also happen when you start taking multivitamin or multi-mineral pills. Even taking too many antacids or laxatives can increase your constipation problems.
Stress is another big troublemaker as it tends to confuse your mind, emotions and also the digestive tract. Low-level stress and anxiety cause the body to reduce or suppress its gastrocolic reflexes, causing a clog.
Irritable bowel syndrome:
A rather idiopathic condition IBS sufferers also experience abdominal pain along with constipation issues and frankly this is better treated with diet, exercise and therapy than strong medication.
Eating disorders:
It’s quite simple, when food intake is unbalanced, too little or at odd times; your poop can’t be regular either.
Unbalanced diet:
Excessive journaling and intake of low- fiber foods , combined with dehydration, are also a major cause of constipation. What you need to do is eat foods that make you poop.
What should you eat to prevent or relieve constipation?
While a balanced diet should take care of your one-time constipation, if you have repeated episodes, these are the foods that make you poop.
- Foods Rich in Fiber: Fiber helps treat constipation regulates the bowels in the same way that traffic rules ensure there are no traffic jams or fines, a diet with 20 to 30 g of fiber a day will also guarantee clogs. Foods that are over-processed strip all the fiber to get all the food quality, opt for the whole grain or multiple grain variety and always choose organic.
- Stock up on some vitamin C: Citrus foods make you poop, as do fruits like kiwis and strawberries, which are bursting with all the poop-smoothing goodness of vitamin C — also an antioxidant that helps with rejuvenation at the cellular level.
- Think of sorbitol: Sorbitol is a naturally occurring laxative and is found richly in, you guessed it, plums, plums and pears! So go ahead whenever your digestive system can’t.
- Drink: When in doubt, look for water and healthy drinks like green teas, water and the teas help to flush the system, so to speak.
- Get your dose of Probiotics: Think fermented things: yogurt, kefir , kimchee, all full of healthy gut bacteria that eat and digest in your digestive tract and help clear all blockages and prevent others.
Foods that help treat constipation:
Here are our top ten food choices that help treat constipation , which can really help you get rid of it:
1. Dried plums:
Known as prune, it has about 1 gram of fiber that is quite intense and suitable to help you treat constipation . The plum sugars fructans and sorbitol also have a laxative effect.
2. Kiwi:
A cup of kiwi provides 5gm of fiber , doesn’t leave you gassy, and also offers the antioxidant and stool-smoothing properties of vitamin C that it’s quite full with.
3. Flax Seeds:
A tablespoon of ground flax seed contains 2 g of fiber and once ground, they are easy to toss into just about anything to help treat constipation like smoothies, breakfast cereals or even salads or vegetables.
4. Oranges:
When constipated, eat an orange . An orange not only has 4 gm fiber for only 86 calories, but it also contains naringenin, a flavonol with laxative properties.
5. Oats:
Having oatmeal for breakfast offers more than cholesterol -lowering benefits . Half a cup of oatmeal (dry) contains 2 g of soluble and insoluble fiber together, bulking up the stool, softening it and helping to treat constipation.
6. Popcorn:
3 cups of popcorn, the healthy version, provides 3gm fiber with just 93 calories, plus the saltiness that helps stave off any cravings for chips.
7. Beans:
So, cup for cup, beans provide almost twice the constipation- helping fiber as vegetables, and they’re also incredibly versatile, making them a great addition to stews, salads, and soups.
8. Apples:
Apples not only keep the doctor away with their nutrients , the pectin in them is a great soluble fiber that helps treat constipation .
9. Yogurt:
While most experts advise you to stay away from dairy, if constipated, yogurt is an exception. Probiotic bacteria, also known as lactobacilli, will help treat constipation .
10. Café:
Caffeine is a stimulant and can cause bowel movements. But be careful not to take too much to dehydrate and make things worse.
Useful links:
There are many other foods to treat constipation that make you poop, which you can incorporate into your daily diet to ensure you don’t lack the most important component for bowel cleansing, fiber , such as brown rice , vegetables or legumes, and of course water. and green tea. So remember to eat right, drink lots of water, go when you need to and, of course, exercise to be as healthy as you and your gut can be.