10 Foods That Help Prevent Skin Cancer

The 10 Foods That Help Prevent Skin Cancer  are pretty simple. In addition,  Skin Cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in the country, with more than 119,000 cases predicted in 2010, according to an estimate by the National Cancer Institute (INCA). The disease is caused by cells that have undergone some kind of mutation and erroneously multiplied, creating a diseased tissue, the tumor.If Skin Cancer  is detected early, there are great chances of cure, even in the most aggressive manifestations. Among the causes that potentiate the formation of the tumor are age and phenotyping, genetic predisposition and, mainly, sun exposure. In addition, the disease is more common in people over 40 and fair- skinned people .

To identify the signs that may indicate the development of  Skin Cancer there are several methods, one of them is the exam called ABCDE, which includes the main characteristics that normally appear in the spots , spots and signs. Often, the first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, or color of an existing mole . The “ABCDE” rule can be used to remember what to look for they are:

  • Asymmetry – The shape of half of the patch does not match the other half.
  • Edge – Edges are jagged, notched, or jagged.
  • Color – It is often uneven. Shades of black, brown and cinnamon may be present. White, gray, red or blue areas can also be seen.
  • Diameter – The diameter greater than 6 mm.
  • E volution – The mole is changing in size, shape, color, appearance, or develops in a previously normal area of ​​skin .

Other Symptoms  of Skin Cancer Are:

  • A wound that doesn’t heal.
  • Expansion of pigment from a spot on the skin .
  • Redness or swelling .
  • Itching, tenderness or pain.
  • Change in the surface of the pint.

Some skin cancers  do not fit the rules described above, so it is important to inform the doctor of any changes in skin lesions or new lesions that look different from the rest of the existing moles. In addition to this self-examination, there are still other signs, which we have listed for you to know how to prevent yourself from this terrible evil. Then check out The 10 Foods That Help Prevent Skin Cancer:Beans are one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer:  Black and white beans significantly reduce the incidence of colon cancer , as they increase the levels of butyrate, which, in high concentrations, has a protective effect against the emergence of cancer . In addition to being effective against breast  and skin cancer .

Garlic is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer: Garlic is a truly wonderful food. Active ingredients like allicin help fight the spread of cancer in a unique way. For, it interrupts the blood supply for the formation of new tumors. In addition, garlic is an anti-inflammatory agent and has other nutrients that help fight and prevent skin cancer  such as selenium, tryptophan.

Several studies have found that those who eat more garlic are less likely to develop various types of cancer , such as skin cancer  ,  esophageal cancer  , stomach  cancer  and colon cancer.

Broccoli is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer: Broccoli  is a good choice of Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer . For a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research has already proven the role of broccoli in cancer prevention . Thanks to several compounds, such as the phytochemical sulforaphane, they have the ability to destroy cancer cells and leave others intact.

In the research, men with prostate cancer who consumed the vegetable showed inhibition of a certain enzyme that is also the target of drugs to treat the disease. Similar results could also be seen in women with breast cancer , in a study released at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Flaxseed is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer:  Flaxseed in the form of flour and oil contains phytoestrogens, which help reduce the risk of lung , skin  and breast cancer. Much research is still ongoing on the potency of flaxseed as an anti- cancer food .

Berries are one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer:  The two most widely studied compounds in the fight against cancer in berries are ellagic acid (richest in strawberries and raspberries) and anthocyanosides (richest in blackberries).

Ellagic acid helps to prevent skin , bladder, lung and breast cancer  . It acts as an antioxidant and slows down the reproduction of cancer cells. The anthocyanosides in blueberries are currently the most powerful antioxidants known to scientists and are beneficial in preventing all types of cancer .

Carrot is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer: Carrot is one of the top Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer . Because it contains a substance called carotenoid, active in the fight against free radicals that, when in excess, lead to cell mutations capable of causing cancer .

Such an action is shown to be effective mainly in the prevention of breast cancer  as shown by a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that followed more than 6,000 women. Acerola, pumpkin and mango are other good sources of this nutrient.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are One of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer:  Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli , cauliflower, cabbage and kale  are rich in a variety of compounds that slow down the growth of skin cancer  and its development, as per a number of laboratory studies. Other human studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables may help reduce the riskof lung , stomach, colorectal, prostate and bladder cancer.

Tomato is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer: Tomatois a good alternative of Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer . Yes, it is a source of Vitamin C and flavonoids. Flavonoids give the fruit its red color and help to defend the body mainly against lung and prostate cancer . The recommended consumption is approximately 4 slices a day (if possible, organic tomato).

Guava is one of the Foods that Help Prevent Skin Cancer:  Red guava is rich in substances that have been shown to be beneficial against cancer , carotenoids. Present in almost all yellow, orange and red vegetables and fruits, research shows that these nutrients help in the prevention of skin , breast and prostate cancer . The concentration of a nutrient in this group, lycopene, is especially high in guavas.

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