11 Foods That Cause Heartburn or Acid Reflux!
The foods that cause heartburn or acid reflux that you should avoid in your daily life, if you suffer from these problems, then you know it’s not pleasant. The discomfort provided by this problem can disrupt your well-being. The causes of acid reflux can happen while you are eating.
If heartburn and acid reflux are recurrent, then controlling your diet can provide some relief. Below are 11 foods you should avoid if you have acid reflux or heartburn.
Foods that cause heartburn or acid reflux:
1. Lemons:
Citrus is one of the foods that cause heartburn or acid reflux it is highly acidic and adds acid to your stomach. If you already suffer from these problems, you should avoid eating on an empty stomach.
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2. Caffeine:
All caffeinated drinks need to be consumed in moderation. Therefore, it is on the list of items to cut down on if you suffer from stomach acid problems.
3. Chocolate:
Chocolate has caffeine in addition to being an acid producer. It also relaxes the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. Therefore, it is recommended that you store all your chocolate and give it to your gastroenterologist if you have heartburn.
4. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes contain two types of acids, malic and citric, which trigger heartburn. When you consume tomato-based products, your stomach produces gastric acid to break down the foods that are in your stomach.
5. Carbonated drinks:
Carbonated drinks are on the list of foods that cause heartburn or acid reflux and should be avoided when heartburn or acid reflux is bothering you.
6. Spicy foods:
Chili , Mexican food, chili, anything spicy can stir up stomach acid , so minimize your consumption of these items.
7. Peppermint:
Mint tea is perfect for an upset stomach, but mints and peppermint candies after a big meal can exacerbate your acid problems. It is recommended to avoid these items in case of acid reflux .
8. Alcohol:
Alcohol can relax the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. Therefore, avoiding it is highly recommended.
9. Fatty foods:
Cheeses , nuts , fatty meats and any other high-fat food should be avoided. If you want to consume it, try to avoid eating large amounts at the end of the day, especially before bed.
10. Fried foods:
Fried foods are also on the list of foods that cause heartburn or acid reflux In addition to being bad for the arteries and heart, anything fried triggers problems.
11. Garlic and onion:
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While these two items may not affect everyone with heartburn, garlic and onions can be a problem for some people. Therefore, if you have this problem, it is recommended to eliminate it from the diet.