Top 10 Symptoms of Fever!

The Top 10 Symptoms of Fever and much more is what you will learn from now on, so stay with us and discover everything about Fever , a disease  that is very common among Brazilians.

In addition, the temperature of the human body  is controlled by an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus, which acts as a thermostat adjusted to keep the internal organs at 37º C (degrees Celsius).

Symptoms of Fever

This objective is achieved through the balance between heat loss by peripheral organs (skin, blood vessels, sweat glands, etc.) in contact with the environment and heat production by the metabolic process of internal tissues.

When the organism is attacked by an external agent or by a disease  of the internal organs, the thermostat can raise the temperature two or three degrees above the usual values, which characterizes Fever .

In fact, Fever is not a disease ; it is a reaction of the organism against some anomaly. It’s not necessarily a bad thing either. In infections, for example, it helps the defense system to get rid of the offending agent.

Thermal variation:  The body temperature considered ideal varies between 36º C and 36.7º C. It is usually lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon or evening. Changes of up to one degree may be absolutely acceptable under normal conditions.

In women  , for example, after ovulation, during the menstrual cycle and in the first trimester of pregnancy, a natural rise in temperature occurs. Infectologists establish the following limits to characterize fever :

  • From 37.3º C to 37.8º C – fever
  • Above 37.8º C – Fever

Causes of Fever:  Fever can  be caused by various factors (such as exogenous pyrogens, that is, elements outside the body capable of causing fever ) or diseases . Infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa or fungi (which cause diseases such as: cold , flu , meningitis, bird flu, sore throat, gastroenteritis, measles, malaria, rubella). Infections are the main cause of fever .

  • Foreign  bodies (allergens, transplant)
  • cancer cells
  • Alteration of an organ or tissue (infarction)
  • drugs
  • Some diseases  like lupus

Biochemical Mechanism: The body  ‘s cells  responsible for immune defense come into contact with these pyrogens and then release substances called cytokines, responsible for the appearance of fever .

Temperature Measurement:  The only way to be sure that a person has a fever  is to take their temperature with a thermometer, preferably an electronic one. The most usual way to measure it is to place the thermometer bulb in the armpit folds and only remove it after five minutes to take the reading. Temperature can also be measured inside the mouth or rectum, part of the large intestine that ends at the anus. In these areas, it is usually one degree higher than the armpit measurement.

Main Symptoms of Fever:

In adults: Fever  happens when the temperature rises above its normal range. What is normal for you may be slightly higher or lower than the average temperature of 37°C. Depending on what is causing the fever , additional symptoms may include:

  • Sweat
  • shaking
  • headache  _
  •  muscle pain
  • loss of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • General weakness.

High fevers  between 39.4°C and 41.1°C can cause:

  • Hallucination
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • convulsion
  • Dehydration

In Children and Infants: A child has a fever  when the temperature is at or above one of these levels:

  • Anal temperature greater than 38 °C
  • Oral temperature greater than 37.5 °C
  • Axillary temperature greater than 37.3 °C
  • Tempered in the ear greater than 38 °C.

A common sign of fever  in babies is a hot forehead – but that’s not enough to diagnose fever . Babies and children may also feel more lazy than usual. Other symptoms associated with fever  in infants and children include:

  • lack of sleep
  • Bad eating habits
  • Lack of interest in games
  • Lethargy
  • convulsion

Treatment for Fever: There is a certain phobia of Fever surrounded by myths for both health professionals  and the general population that Fever  is something that implies rapid action with some medication, especially when it involves children.

However, there are measures that can reduce fever  naturally, such as bathing and cooling the environment. Although fever  is the body’s own immune response against some disease, modern medicine has even developed some drugs called antipyretics that can reduce fever  to tolerated levels. The most commonly used antipyretics are paracetamol, dipyrone, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and acetylsalicylic acid.

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