Essential oils for headaches

The 4 Essential Oils for Headaches are a great option for those who suffer from headache, which is a very common problem all over the world. Furthermore, millions of people all over the world suffer from Headaches every day for various reasons, and they are often not quite sure what to blame! There are so many causes, which include stress , fatigue, allergies, hormones, nutritional deficiencies, constipation, poor posture, low blood sugar, and alcohol or drug use.

Then, of course, there is the perverse combination of some of these causes. If you suffer from headaches frequently and struggle to find an effective treatment, there is no shortage of natural headache remedies out there. The most common headache treatment is a pain reliever , but these pills come with a number of unpleasant side effects such as kidney and liver damage ; Also, they don’t address the root of the problem.

Essential oils serve as headache treatments because they safely and effectively treat the cause of the headache, getting to the root of the problem rather than temporarily minimizing the pain. Plus, when using Essential Oils for Headaches through a diffuser, there are no unpleasant side effects and you are in complete control of the dosage – adjusting for the type of headache you experience.

How Do Essential Oils Treat Headaches?

Unlike pain relievers that are commonly used to treat headaches and migraines  today, essential oils serve as a safer and more effective alternative. Essential oils provide relief, help with circulation and reduce stress . They also have a ton of other health benefits and boosts your immune system instead of wreaking havoc on your vital organs.

Really, there are few safer and more beneficial ways to relieve headaches than using Essential Oils for Headaches . It shouldn’t come as a surprise considering aromatherapy has long been used to treat aches and pains . Every headache has a cause. One of the main causes of headaches is hormonal changes in women. Fluctuations in estrogen can trigger headaches in many women, especially just before or during periods when estrogen levels drop.

Some women develop migraines  during pregnancy or menopause due to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal medications can even make headaches worse , so using essential oils as a gentle, natural treatment is recommended. Lavender and rosemary oils, for example, are soothing oils that relieve pain and relieve tension. Both oils are used to treat PMS symptoms and hormonal imbalances, including headaches and migraine attacks .

Another major headache problem is stress , which can be reduced by using lavender and peppermint oil aromatically. Changes in sleep patterns can also trigger a headache – luckily, lavender works as a mild sedative that helps people who suffer from insomnia or lack of sleep.

Headaches can also be the result of intense physical exertion, allergies, sinus pressure (sinusitis), congestion, certain foods and sensory stimuli. All these causes can be minimized or even eliminated with essential oils. It’s no wonder they’ve been used for thousands of years – these miracle oils have the ability to treat virtually any health problem. Then Check Out The 4 Essential Oils For Headaches:

1. Peppermint  For Headaches

Peppermint oil uses and benefits include its long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, ability to inhibit muscle contractions, and it also has a role in stimulating blood flow to the forehead when applied topically. Topical application of peppermint oil to the forehead and temples effectively relieves a tension headache. In a 1996 study, 41 patients (and 164 headache attacks) were analyzed in a placebo-controlled study. Peppermint oil was applied topically 15 and 30 minutes after the onset of a headache.

Participants reported pain relief in their headache journals, and peppermint oil was proven to be a well-tolerated, low-cost alternative to usual headache therapies. There were also no reported side effects after the peppermint treatment. Another important study was carried out in 1995 and published in a specialized medium. Thirty-two healthy participants were evaluated, and essential oil treatment was investigated by comparing baseline and treatment measures. An effective treatment was a combination of peppermint oil , eucalyptus oil and ethanol.

The researchers used a small sponge to apply this mixture, which has a calming and mentally relaxing effect, to the participants’ foreheads and temples. When peppermint was mixed with just ethanol, the researchers found that it reduced sensitivity during a headache. To improve blood circulation, reduce pain, and relieve tension, dilute two to three drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and rub onto shoulders, forehead, and back of neck.

2. Lavender  for Headaches

One of the best Essential Oils for Headaches  is lavender essential oil, which has a variety of therapeutic and healing properties. It induces relaxation and relieves tension and stress  – acting as a sedative, antidepressant, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and calming agent. There is also growing evidence that lavender oil  serves as an effective treatment for neurological problems and disorders.

According to the researchers, the topical and aromatic use of lavender oil affects the limbic system because the main constituents, linalool and linalyl acetate, are rapidly absorbed through the skin and are believed to cause central nervous system depression . For this reason, lavender oil can be used to treat headaches caused by anxiety disorders and related problems.

Lavender oil benefits include relieving feelings of restlessness and disturbed sleep, two symptoms of headaches . It also regulates serotonin levels, which helps in minimizing nervous system pain that can lead to migraine attacks .

A 2012 study found lavender essential oil to be an effective and safe modality in treating migraines . Forty-seven participants were investigated in this placebo-controlled clinical trial. The treatment group inhaled lavender oil for 15 minutes during a migraine . Patients were then asked to record headache intensity and associated symptoms at 30-minute intervals for two hours.

The difference between the control and treatment groups was statistically significant. Of the 129 headache cases in the treatment group, 92 responded fully or partially to lavender oil inhalation . In the control group, 32 of 68 reported that the headache attacks responded to the placebo; the percentage of responders was significantly higher in the lavender group than in the placebo group.

To reduce muscle tension, improve mood, aid sleep and relieve stress, diffuse five drops of lavender oil at home or in the office. You can also apply lavender oil topically to the back of the neck, temples, and wrists to relieve stress  or tension headaches . To relax your body and mind, add five to ten drops of lavender oil to a hot bath and take a deep breath for the sedative properties to take effect and reduce the tension of the headache.

3. Eucalyptus  for Headaches

Eucalyptus works as an expectorant – it helps cleanse the body from harmful toxins and microorganisms. It also opens the nasal airways and eliminates sinus pressure that can lead to a nasty headache, while also promoting emotional balance and improving mood.

A clinical trial claims that inhaling eucalyptus oil can decrease a person’s pain and blood pressure. The study involved 52 patients who had recently undergone total knee replacement surgery. Eucalyptus oil treatment promoted emotional stability in patients, reduced edema formation and had anti-inflammatory effects. These pain reducing and relaxing effects can be beneficial for people who suffer from tension headaches.

A 2011 study conducted in Israel evaluated the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil when used in patients with breathing problems that can lead to coughing, sore throat and tension headaches . Patients reported that eucalyptus oil  improved breathing and reduced nose function.

Researchers have reported that the oil has shown anti-inflammatory effects when used to treat respiratory ailments. It has exhibited antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties that relieve sinus pressure caused by an inflammatory response.

Dilute two to four drops of eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil and apply topically to the chest, back of neck, temples, and forehead. This eliminates nasal buildup and clears the airway – relieving sinus tension that triggers a headache or a migraine attack .

4. Rosemary  for Headaches

Rosemary essential oil has been used in folk medicine to treat headaches and poor circulation because of its stimulant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It has a calming effect and improves personal orientation and alertness. Rosemary oil also reduces stress  and emotional triggers that can cause headache attacks. It also aids digestion and relieves an upset stomach , which can be a symptom of a severe headache.

An interesting study published in 2013 evaluated the effectiveness of rosemary oil as a form of herbal therapy for the relief of withdrawal syndromes in patients with a history of opium abuse. Some opium withdrawal symptoms consist of dysphoric mood, nausea , muscle aches, headaches , fever, and insomnia . Rosemary treatment has been proven to reduce these symptoms when taken internally for four weeks. It reduced tension and muscle contractions, relieved pain, improved sleep patterns and convulsed seizures.

Take a drop of rosemary oil internally, adding it to tea, water , or soup when experiencing headache or migraine attacks . To reduce a headache, mix two drops of rosemary oil with two drops of peppermint oil and a teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on your temples, forehead and back of neck. You can also mix these four main Essential Oils for Headaches : chamomile essential oil, cineole oil, peppermint oil, and other oil blends that include other hydrosol flowers.

How to Use Essential Oils for Headaches

Migraine Headache:

Migraine  is a type of intense and painful headache associated with throbbing pain, nausea , and heightened sensitivity to light. Migraines  can be triggered by stress , anxiety, sleep deprivation and hormonal changes. Massage lavender or peppermint oil into your temples and the back of your neck to relieve migraine headaches and  relieve feelings of nausea and anxiety .

Tension Headache:

They are called “ stress headaches ” and are characterized as constant pressure or pain. Tension headaches are typically caused by feelings of pressure. Use eucalyptus or peppermint oil topically on the temples, forehead and wrists to relieve stress  and reduce tension. To ease the mind, add 5-10 drops of lavender oil to a bath of hot water .

Sinus Headache:

When the sinus membranes become inflamed and swollen, you may feel pressure in the forehead area where these sinuses are located, resulting in a sinus headache. Use eucalyptus oil topically on the chest, top of the nose and temples to open up the nasal passages and relieve sinus tension.

Sugar Headache:

This is the pain caused by low blood sugar levels . Combine equal amounts of lavender, rosemary, and coconut oil , and apply topically to the back of the neck, temples, and forehead. Or take a drop of rosemary internally with a smoothie or cup of soup.

Side Effects of Essential Oils for Headaches

When using these Essential Oils for Headaches , especially on sensitive areas like the nose and forehead, it’s best to dilute the oil first. If you’ve never used an oil before, do a quick test on a small area of ​​skin before applying to larger areas. If using these oils internally, remember that a little goes a long way – 1 to 2 drops should work and don’t exceed a four week period without taking a week off from internal use. Final Thoughts on Essential Oils for Headaches.

Useful links: 

The four main Essential Oils for Headaches are peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary oil . The best way to use Essential Oils for Headaches is to diffuse with a high quality diffuser to relieve headaches. You can also mix these top four Essential Oils for Headaches with chamomile essential oil, cineole oil, peppermint oil, and other oil blends that include other hydrosol flowers.

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