The 10 Enemies of Weight Loss

The 10 Enemies of Weight Loss are considered bad for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Also, weight loss is a battle that many face. Many people opt for the latest diet  or exercise routine trend, but the key is understanding the impact of things on your body .A major contributor to weight gain is excessive calorie consumption. Understanding good and bad calories will help people lose weight and keep it healthy. Correct weight loss comes down to making healthy choices. Then check out  The 10 Enemies of Weight Loss Foods:

White Bread:  Many people care about toast, rolls, or sandwiches without realizing that white bread contains sugar and offers no nutritional value. White bread is just a filling food that makes people feel hungry shortly after consumption. It is recommended to replace white bread with wholemeal bread, as it is one of the Enemy Foods of Weight Loss .

Low-Fat Foods:  You read that right: high- fat foods are actually not one of the healthiest choices. Foods labeled low-fat have sugar to compensate for the loss of flavor. Once the body  processes sugar, it is stored as fat ,  so these foods are some of the Food Enemies of Weight Loss . Also, people tend to overeat these low- fat foods  because they think they are consuming a “healthy” option.

Fried Foods: Fried  foods are a killer of blood pressure  and cholesterol levels. Sometimes, some people think that food remains healthy during cooking, but they are totally wrong. Instead of losing the healthy properties of food, choose to bake or grill food, thus avoiding these Enemy Foods of Weight Loss .

Juices:  Most juices contain a lot of sugar, so they are one of the Enemy Foods of Weight Loss . Instead of buying juice, you should try making your own juice. Even so, be aware of the natural sugars present in fruit . Stick to fresh fruit  and opt for water .

Microwave Popcorn:  Popcorn can be a healthy snack option. However, the chemicals in the microwave bag can actually cause thyroid problems. Not to mention the huge amounts of salt and butter present in popcorn making it one of the Enemy Foods of Weight Loss . One solution is to make fresh popcorn on the stove and eliminate the butter.

Salad Dressing:  Nothing ruins the healthy properties of salad faster than salad dressing. This is because many people find green vegetables to be low in calories, so they double the amount of dressing in the salad. However, most salad dressings have a ton of sugar and calories. A great option is to make an oil-based sauce, but with a small amount of sugar. Doing this you in addition to improving the salad you will still avoid these  Enemy Foods of Weight Loss.

Sugar-Free Foods:  Don’t buy foods that are labeled “sugar-free” thinking they will help your weight loss process. While the calories may be lower, sugar substitute sweeteners can raise insulin levels, making them one of the Food Enemies of Weight Loss .

Candy Bars: Candy  bars are one of the serve as an easy snack to be consumed on the go. However, these little bars are some of the Food Enemies of Weight Loss because they are full of sugar and calories with no function in the body . They won’t satiate you, and within a few minutes you’ll be looking for other foods. Opt for a healthy alternative, eat fresh fruit  or yogurt.

High Calorie Coffee Drinks:  Coffee itself can be a beneficial drink that temporarily boosts metabolism and aids in fat burning . However, when you add a few favorite ingredients like sugar or cream, then you quickly have a not-so-healthy drink making it one of the Enemy Foods of Weight Loss . If you love coffee and want to keep it on your diet  while trying to lose weight, stick to regular black coffee only.

Pizza:  Who doesn’t love a hot slice of pizza? Pizzas are especially unhealthy as they contain processed meat and highly refined flour. There are a lot of calories in a single slice, but pizza lacks the nutritional value to keep the body  going. And consequently pizza is one of the worst  food enemies of weight loss.

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