Does açaí make you fat or lose weight? how to consume, benefits!

Açaí is very consumed in Brazil and there is always this doubt if the Açaí is fattening  or slimming! See this full review on this subject. Açaí is a purple fruit that brings many health benefits, in addition to being highly versatile, and can be used in ice cream, juices, jellies, along with cereals, desserts in general or even pure. Not to mention other modes.

In the Amazon, for example, traditionally, it is consumed chilled with flour, either manioc or tapioca. Others even prepare mush with  Acai to be eaten with roasted fish.

Until the beginning of the 1980s, this food circulated even in the northern region of the country, making a big difference in the food and culture of the local people.

Between the 1980s and 1990s, it started to be introduced in a general way in the national market. And, in recent times, it has gained space and is being cultivated in several other states of the country.

Either way, acai helps to maintain good health and longevity. Being excellent for those who have a busy day, practice physical exercises and like to eat well, avoiding bad cholesterol and other harm that an unruly and industrialized diet can bring.

Here we will know the properties of Acai and the benefits of its consumption. We will also see why it is so good for athletes and how to consume it without exceeding the daily limit. Furthermore, it is evident that we will discover why it is conquering Brazil more and more each day.

Acai is rich in iron , magnesium , calcium , manganese , and is an antioxidant. Acai can improve the rates of cardiovascular  diseases , and even cholesterol and triglycerides. But be careful: if consumed pure, natural, whole, just the pulp, without sugar, flour or granola.

When ordering your delicious and refreshing açaí , if possible, order the açaí natural, without syrup or sugar. Unfortunately, this request can sometimes be almost impossible to fulfill, especially if you are not located in northern Brazil. This is because the stores buy the pulp ready to beat, already with the syrup… In any case, it doesn’t hurt to ask, because consumed naturally, you can keep all the real benefits of Açaí .

And the question you don’t want to shut up: Açaí fattening or slimming ? Açaí is rich in fat YES, but it is “good fat” (what they usually add to açaí is that it is totally unnecessary fat … like the syrup and granola) and that is why the  açaí slimming.

Açaí oleic acid induces the production of a substance in the brain that generates a feeling of satiety, and has essential functions in our body. After all, the membranes of all our cells are made up of fats . We need them, but as long as they are not associated with a large amount of carbohydrates. So no granola! At most a little fruit like banana or strawberry, for example.


1. Contra or alzheimer: 

Açaí  has ​​substances that make the brain alert for longer, in addition to protecting the organ from damage that can progress to Alzheimer’s .

2. Bones and teeth: 

Acai can support the health of your teeth and bones, as  Acai can contribute significant amounts of calcium . This property offered by the fruit can be associated with its use for the prevention of hypertension and osteoporosis.

3. As an anti-inflammatory: 

Promising research results indicate that açaí contributes to the reduction of symptoms among patients with diseases caused by chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases  and asthma.

4. Increases sexual desire: 

Consumption of the fruit is associated with increased blood circulation in the human body system, this phenomenon is one of the contributors to increased sexual desire, especially for men.

5. Good for the heart:

As a consequence of lowering cholesterol, there is heart health. All because acai juice protects the arteries from hardening (atherosclerosis). This is what a study published in June 2011 in the journal Atherosclerosis shows.

6. Anti-aging action: 

The antioxidant effect of  acai berry also contributes to its ability to slow or reverse processes similar to aging or oxidative damage. It is even claimed that the amount of antioxidants contained in açaí can be up to twice the amount offered by blueberries. This is among the most famous properties of Acai and the reason why it is considered a superfood.

Benefits of acai berry for diet: 

The reputation is that  açaí  can be a food that impairs weight loss and that açaí is fattening , but many nutritionists recognize it as a super-food, and that  açaí can even help not only weight loss, but also in maintaining the weight gained. What makes many say that the  Acai Slimming.

Studies carried out with the National Institutes of Aging seek to demonstrate that açaí pulp can help to reduce the negative effects of an irregular diet and consumption of fats, but these studies were not carried out with humans, so it is information that must be analyzed separately. .

It is worth remembering that most preparations with açaí are very caloric. So it’s easier to say that in quantity and in the traditional way of consumption (with granola, guarana syrup, banana , etc.), Açaí Engorda . In addition to the benefits above, watch the video below and check out other benefits of Acai For health!

After all, does açaí make you fat or lose weight?

You know that group of anthocyanins that would help the body expel excess fat? It is also present in Açaí , one of the typical Brazilian fruits , very rich in pigment. You’ve probably heard that acai berry fattening . Really?

Acai  is caloric because it has a high lipid content . What should be noted, however, is that  açaí contains unsaturated fatty acids, fats with a profile similar to those of olive oil . That is, for the heart, consumed without exaggeration, it is a wonderful cocktail of beneficial fat with anthocyanin. In a bowl you also guarantee fiber and protein .

If the pointer of the scale is already bothering you, Acai , despite being excellent, should not be consumed in excess. Be especially careful with other added ingredients.

How to consume acai in a healthy way:

As we said at the beginning, there are delicious combinations that can be made with açaí without involving caloric foods such as chocolates, condensed milk , cream or powdered milk .

Fruits are great partners for Açaí . It is possible to combine them in natura together with the pulp, and who will dictate the limits of the combinations is your creativity! For those who prefer to have a shake, it is possible to beat the pulp with fruits or juices to create incredible creams.

If you like your açaí berry sweeter , but prefer to avoid the excess sugar of guarana syrup or condensed milk , bet on natural products such as molasses and honey. Both foods are high in energy and are far healthier alternatives to sweeten any mix.

These are some of the benefits of açaí and ways to combine it for those moments when hunger strikes!

Acai berry recipe for weight loss:


  • 100 ml of Acai
  • 1 cup skimmed milk
  • 2 large scoops of light cream ice cream

Preparation mode:

  • Add all the ingredients in the blender.
  • Beat for 5 minutes.
  • Then help yourself.

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