Diet that helps control diabetes: How to do it, menu and tips
The diabetes diet is a great option for those who want to lose weight and maintain health in days, Brazil has 12 million diabetics. This according to the Brazilian Society of Diabetes (SBD). Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires constant treatment, not only based on medication but mainly on a change in lifestyle. In addition, a balanced diet, always under the supervision of a specialist, and physical activities are very important factors for controlling the disease .
When talking about food for diabetics, there is the idea that the Diabetes Diet should be very limited. Also, in fact, it’s the exact opposite. It is important that the Diet for Diabetes is well varied, composed of natural foods, which collaborate to stabilize the blood glucose level.
The ideal diabetes diet for diabetics varies for each person. The myths surrounding the diet of diabetics are countless. In addition, it is said that a person with diabetes cannot eat carbohydrates or any type of sugar and leave out even red meat .
A complete meal plan can only be offered if the person pays a visit to a qualified professional, who will observe the patient’s blood glucose and cholesterol levels, weight , physical activity and food preferences. In addition, however, some recommendations are the same for everyone, such as having three meals a day interspersed with small snacks and preferring some foods over others.
How Does the Diabetes Diet Work?
It is good to understand that no diet will cure diabetes . In addition, the disease is a chronic condition in which blood sugar levels tend to rise too quickly or remain too high. Several problems can result from this accumulation, such as malaise, poor healing and even blindness and coma. That’s why it’s so important for those who have the disease to control sugar levels by restricting the Diabetes Diet , even using drugs that control blood glucose spikes.
The Diabetes Diet is a diet low in sugars and carbohydrates, which turn into sugar in the body. In addition, in diabetics, the digestion of these nutrients does not occur correctly, and when they remain longer in the digestive process, the amount of glucose in the bloodstream reaches dangerous levels.
Eating in a way that avoids this increase will increase the diabetic’s quality of life and help to naturally control the disease . In addition, for this, some foods must be completely excluded from the Diabetes Diet , others can be consumed in moderation and some are allowed to be consumed.
Diet Foods For Diabetes:
The foods allowed on the Diabetes Diet are those rich in fiber, protein and good fats, such as:
- Whole grains: wheat flour, wholegrain rice and pasta, oatmeal, popcorn;
- Legumes: beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils , peas;
- Vegetables in general: except potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and yams, as they have a high concentration of carbohydrates and should be consumed in small portions;
- Meat in general: except processed meats , such as ham, turkey breast, sausage, sausage, bacon, bologna and salami;
- Fruits in general: as long as 1 unit is consumed at a time;
- Good fats: avocado , coconut, olive oil, coconut oil and butter;
- Oilseeds: chestnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds;
- Milk and dairy products: care should be taken to choose yogurts without added sugar .
It is important to remember that tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and yams are healthy foods, but because they are rich in carbohydrates, they should also be consumed in small amounts.
What to Avoid on the Diabetic Diet
- Also, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams , beets and taro;
- Fruits with high fructose content, such as: pears, bananas, raisins and mangoes;
- Also, sugar, desserts with refined sugar , candy, ice cream, etc.;
- Legumes such as peas, lentils and beans;
- Also, gluten, cereals, corn and other grains;
- Juice, soda, sweetened tea, etc.;
- In addition, industrialized food;
- beer ;
- Leite.
Complete Diabetes Diet Menu:
- 2 scrambled eggs
- 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 slice of lean ham
- 1 cup (250 ml) of diet mate, mixed with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed and pure juice of 1/2 lemon
Morning snack
- 1 apple
- 1 piece of baked fish
- 1 medium browned potato
- 3 tablespoons of spinach puree
Afternoon snack
- 3 Brazil nuts
- 1 cup (250ml) coconut water
- 1 cup of avocado smoothie sweetened with 1/2 tbsp of bee honey
- 1 cup unsweetened coffee + 2 slices of wholemeal bread with egg
Morning snack
- 1 apple + 10 cashews
- 1 fish fillet cooked with tomato sauce, onion and parsley
- 1/2 boiled corn on the cob
- 3 tablespoons of pumpkin puree
- Plus, green leafy salad at will
Afternoon snack
- 1 plain yogurt + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with cheese
- 1 grilled turkey burger
- 1 cup cooked chickpeas seasoned with green smell and olive oil
- Plus 3 tablespoons of soaked zucchini
- 1 cup of coffee with milk + 1 fried banana with scrambled egg and 1 slice of cheese
Morning snack
- 1 glass of green juice
- Plus whole wheat pasta with ground meats and tomato sauce + green salad
Afternoon snack
- 1 cup of unsweetened coffee + 1 slice of wholemeal cake + 5 cashews
- 2 cups of vegetable soup
- Plus, all-you-can-eat lettuce and arugula salad, with 6 cherry tomatoes, 1 handful of alfalfa sprouts, 6 chopped dried apricots, 4 pcs of kani kama and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
- 1 plain yogurt + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with butter and cheese
Morning snack
- 1 banana mashed with 1 teaspoon of chia
- 4 tablespoons of brown rice + 3 tablespoons of beans + chicken au gratin with cheese in the oven + salad sautéed in olive oil
Afternoon snack
- 1 Polenguinho® light
- Also, baked fish with olive oil, potatoes and vegetables
- 1 slice of melted cheese
- 2 whole toast
- 1 cup (200ml) green tea or coffee with milk
Morning snack
- 1 cup (250ml) pure melon juice
- 1 grilled chicken breast fillet
- 4 boiled potatoes
- 3 tablespoons of steamed cauliflower
Afternoon snack
- 1 diet gelatin
- 2 cups of beef and vegetable soup
- Free-range lettuce salad, 1 teaspoon of chopped leeks, 4 mushrooms, 4 slices of yellow pepper, 1/2 tomato, 2 medium slices of roasted turkey breast and 3 tablespoons of cooked lentils
- 1 slice of mozzarella cheese
- Plus 2 slices of turkey breast
- 1 slice of wholemeal bread
- In addition, 1 glass (250ml) of diet mate
Morning snack
- 1 cup (250ml) unsweetened mate, blended with 1 apple
- 2 cups of beef and vegetable soup
- In addition, iceberg lettuce salad, 1 teaspoon of chopped leeks, 4 mushrooms, 4 slices of yellow pepper, 1/2 tomato, 2 medium slices of roasted turkey breast and 3 tablespoons of cooked lentil
Afternoon snack
- 1 pot (170g) of light yogurt blended with 1/2 apple or 4 strawberries
- 2 cups of palm heart cream
- Also, salad made with lettuce, watercress, 1 tablespoon of corn , red peppers, onion, 5 almonds, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 4 quail eggs
- Omelet made with 2 eggs and 1 slice of lean ham
- 2 whole toast
- Plus 1 cup (200ml) of green tea or coffee with milk
Morning snack
- 1/2 papaya with lemon drops
- 2 pieces of chicken in a pot
- Plus 1 ladle of white beans
- 1 tablespoon of quinoa
- Plus 3 tablespoons of cooked broccoli
Afternoon snack
- 1 pear or 1 kiwi
- 2 cups of vegetable soup with muscle
- In addition, an all-you-can-eat salad, made with green leaves, tomato, radish, cucumber, 1 heart of palm, 3 olives and 4 quail eggs
Diet recommendations for diabetes:
The diabetic may be eating a correct diet and rich in healthy foods, but if you exaggerate in portions, you will be heading in the opposite direction. In addition, excess calories are harmful to the diabetic, even if he is eating the most indicated foods.