Dermatofibroma – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!

Dermatofibroma – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment that we should not ignore. In addition, dermatofibroma , also known as benign fibrous histiocytoma, is a benign tumor, very frequent, small, of hard consistency, fibrous, slightly protruding, usually brownish in color that may vary over time, but is not malignant. It is a type of benign skin lesion that usually appears after puberty.

Although they can appear anywhere on the body, the lesions have a preference for regions such as the buttocks, legs and shoulders. Also known as fibrous histiocytoma, dermatofibroma is mainly formed by fibroblasts.

The cause is unknown, more often appearing spontaneously. However, in approximately 20% of cases, there is a history of an insect bite or trauma.

The dermatofibroma ‘s color is usually a little darker than that of the skin . The lesions grow slowly until they reach an average of 1 cm in diameter. They are hard and can be either slightly elevated or slightly depressed. In most cases, the lesion is single, however, there are cases of multiple lesions.

When the dermatofibroma bothers the patient, some type of treatment is indicated. Despite being aesthetically unpleasant, there are few cases in which the lesions cause pain or itching.

The shoulders, buttocks and legs are the most commonly affected sites. When they are on the legs, it is necessary to pay attention to epilation, as it can cause small bleeding.

Dermatofibroma Symptoms: These bumps rarely cause any associated symptoms. However, it is always important to consult your doctor.

  • They are usually reddish brown in color;
  • They are darker in people with darker skin ;
  • Color may change over time;
  • They are often found on the legs, but can also occur on the arms or trunk;
  • They are small (3-10 mm);
  • pruritus (itching);
  • Sensitive to touch (for example, if you touch a dermatofibroma , it may bleed);

Diagnosis:  Dermatofibroma can be diagnosed easily with the naked eye. The rooster forms a dimple on squeezing. The doctor may review the patient’s history and perform a physical examination. If the diagnosis is still not confirmed, a biopsy is recommended. In a biopsy, a sample of the node is examined.

Treatment To Treat:  Dermatofibroma does not need treatment until it causes no discomfort. Patient may be uncomfortable with the bump as it intervenes by scraping or wearing clothing.

Knots do not heal by themselves, and they cannot be permanently healed. However, bumps are harmless and contrary to general belief, they do not lead to cancer.

They do not pose any risk to the patient’s health and can be surgically removed. The doctor administers local anesthesia before removing the knot. However, surgery can lead to the formation of a permanent scar (the scar is formed as dermatofibroma occurs deep within the skin ) of the affected area. This may seem more attractive than the presence of a knot because the scar is bigger in shape. People with dermatofibroma should avoid sun exposure.

How to Prevent Dermatofibroma:  There is no way to prevent the appearance of lesions , since the exact cause of the problem is not known. However, it is possible to exclude pain and other discomfort when looking for a doctor.

In most cases, the lesions do not cause symptoms, but when this occurs, they can be removed via surgical excision or cryosurgery. Despite removal, the dermatofibroma may come back in the same location.

To avoid future complications and for a correct diagnosis, it is essential to seek help. It is important to see a doctor frequently and perform routine examinations so that these and other injuries and disorders can be detected.

The vast majority of conditions can be properly treated with an early diagnosis. So don’t hesitate to look for help. Stay tuned for changes in your body and see a doctor in case of any symptoms or changes.

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