Chronic Pelvic Inflammation – What is it and How to Treat It
Chronic Pelvic Inflammation – What it is and How to Treat it at Home in a Natural and Healthy Way. In addition, Chronic Pelvic Inflammation is a condition that affects many women, more than estimated, approximately 1 million women suffer each year in the United States. Here we will list the main causes and the most recommended treatments to eliminate Chronic Pelvic Inflammation .
Pain in the lower abdomen or back, for periods that are prolonged for more than a week, pain during the menstrual period, spotting outside the menstrual period, fever , nausea , these are some of the most common symptoms presented by women suffering from Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . or (IPC), its acronym in English.
In many cases, women do not go to the gynecologist because they think that these symptoms are not relevant, but the truth is that they could be caused by this infection, produced by a bacteria lodged in the uterus, fallopian tubes, endometrium or ovaries, and can trigger complications. serious for your health. So, check out Chronic Pelvic Inflammation – What is it and How to Treat it:
Ways of Contagion: One of the most common ways of infection is through sexual intercourse, because the bacteria that produce them are gonorrhea and chlamydia . However, the bacteria can also be contracted during childbirth, the insertion of an intrauterine device, or abortion.
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Other Causes:
- Insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD);
- public showers;
- Public swimming pools;
- childbirth;
- Endometrial biopsy.
However, statistically, Chronic Pelvic Inflammation disease is caused by sexually transmitted diseases, so it becomes very important to use barrier contraceptive methods (condoms) to prevent contagion.
The disease starts in the vagina, and if not treated with antibiotic methods, it spreads to the endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus as far as the abdomen and can cause Chronic Pelvic Inflammation .
Symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Inflammation: Some women with Chronic Pelvic Inflammation disease have no symptoms. And when some of these women have symptoms, they can be as follows:
- Pain in the lower abdomen (the most common symptom)
- Pain in the upper part of the abdomen;
- fever ;
- Pain during intercourse;
- Pain when urinating ;
- Irregular bleeding;
- Vaginal swelling or discharge with an odor;
- Fatigue.
Chronic Pelvic Inflammation can cause mild to moderate pain. However, some women have severe pain and symptoms, such as:
- Sharp pain in the abdomen;
- vomiting;
- high fever .
If you have severe symptoms, you should urgently see a specialist. The infection can spread to the bloodstream and other parts of the body. Again, this can be a life-threatening condition.
Disease Risks: The risk will depend on the state in which the disease is found, so early treatment is critical. Not being treated in time can cause infertility problems, given the scar tissue that forms in one of the fallopian tubes. They can also suffer an ectopic pregnancy, that is, the fetus is formed outside the uterus. In severe infections, surgery may be required to remove the affected tissue.
Natural Treatment of PID: Natural treatments should be used as a complement to medical treatment, not to supplant it. Consultation with a specialist is recommended.
Turmeric : Turmeric contains an active anti-inflammatory ingredient called curcumin with potent antibacterial properties, which can help fight infection and relieve the symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . Also, Turmeric is good for boosting the immune system , helping to prevent future infections.
- Boil 1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder in 1 cup of milk.
- Drink it once a day until symptoms disappear.
- Take turmeric supplements , 500 mg 3 times a day.
- However, consult your doctor before taking this supplement.
Yogurt: Probiotic yogurt contains good bacteria is a great remedy to fight this Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . The good bacteria in yogurt will help fight the bad bacteria and restore the good bacteria in the vagina. It also helps maintain healthy vaginal balance.
- Apply small amounts of probiotic yogurt to the vagina.
- Wait a few hours, then rinse with cold water.
- Use this remedy once a day for a few weeks.
- It is also advisable to increase the consumption of probiotic yogurt or kefir .
Baking Soda: Baking soda is another effective treatment for Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . This alkaline compound helps to reduce acidity and alkalize the colon and other organs. This in turn helps to eliminate the bacteria that cause infections. It also helps balance the body’s pH level.
- Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to 1 cup of water;
- Add 1 teaspoon of psyllium;
- Drink it on an empty stomach once a day for a few weeks.
Sitz bath: A sitz bath is an effective remedy to reduce the symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . While the hot bath will help to relax the pelvic muscles, and the cold bath will help relieve the pain.
- Fill two large basins (where you can sit), one with warm water and the other with cold water;
- Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to each and stir well;
- Firstly, you should sit in the basin with warm water and soak it up to your waist for 3 minutes;
- Then sit in the basin of cold water up to your waist for 1 minute;
- Repeat several times and finish the session with cold water;
- Enjoy a sitz bath a few times a week.
Pelvic Massage: Pelvic and lower abdominal massage helps to stimulate muscles and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. This in turn relieves pain, provides relaxation and accelerates healing of Chronic Pelvic Inflammation .
- Mix a few drops of lavender oil with olive oil ;
- Lie in bed and do gentle stretches;
- Apply this oil on the lower abdomen;
- Gently massage the pelvic area and lower abdomen with circular movements for 5 to 10 minutes;
- Massage 1 or 2 times a day until symptoms disappear.
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The best way to treat it is through consultation with medical experts, but care and prevention can help you avoid Chronic Pelvic Inflammation . For this, you should look for a diet that gives you the ability to increase your defenses, and take into account some of the following tips:
- Use protection in your intimate relationships;
- Avoid smoking;
- Perform gynecological exams on a regular basis;
- Avoid public showers;
- Do not have multiple partners;
- Consume foods that improve female intimate health;
- Increase your consumption of probiotic foods and foods that boost your defenses.