Chicken lard to treat bronchitis in 3 days!
Chicken lard to treat bronchitis works, and has been shown to be a home remedy that also provides medicinal virtues.
Chicken lard is a healthy fat, especially rich in fatty acids and interesting not only for treating bronchitis , but for general health properties.
When using chicken lard to treat bronchitis at home , it helps keep the mucous membranes moist by drinking fluids. In addition, chicken lard to treat bronchitis favors the expulsion of secretions and phlegm generated in catarrhal processes.
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What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is nothing more than an inflammation that affects the walls of the bronchi, the passage through which air enters the lungs and then leaves with exhalation . There are two forms of bronchitis , acute and chronic. Today we are going to discover the differences between the two and how to intervene according to the cases with simple and practical natural remedies.
Acute bronchitis:
Acute bronchitis is related to an infectious process triggered by a virus, but in some cases, it can also be bacterial bronchitis . Under certain circumstances, even air pollution, cleaning detergents, gastric reflux and cigarette smoke can produce passive bronchitis.
Usually, the disorder disappears after appropriate treatment within a few days. When bronchitis is of viral or bacterial origin, there is a risk of contagion
Chronic bronchitis:
This form is a consequence of certain environmental factors or bad habits such as smoking. It is a more serious disease that falls within the framework of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. To be able to develop the chronic form it is not necessary to have had an episode of acute bronchitis before.
The diagnosis of chronic form occurs when the person coughs every day for at least 3 months in 2 consecutive years. In the long term, chronic cough promotes the presence of lesions.
Symptoms of bronchitis:
The symptoms share both the acute and the chronic form and are:
- cough (which can last even after healing).
- phlegm , which can be transparent, tending to white, yellow, or green.
- asma.
- tenths of fever and chills from the cold.
- tiredness and fatigue.
- chest pain.
- pink skin .
How to use B chicken lard to treat bronchitis at home:
There are many natural remedies that can help us understand how to cure bronchitis without antibiotics and one of the most suitable is chicken lard to treat bronchitis. In addition, lard is an effective natural remedy with many properties to treat bronchitis.
- Take the lard from a free-range chicken.
- Place in a skillet to melt and store in a clean glass.
- When ready to use, put it to melt a little on the fire.
- Children over 1 year old should take 1 teaspoon and adults 1 dessert spoon.
- Take the night.
- You can put it in porridge or children’s milk.
- Apply to the chest and massage gently.
Orange Peel Tea and Chicken Lard:
- 4 dried orange peels,
- chicken lard,
- 1 cup of cachaça,
- 1 liter of water,
- a glass jar with a lid.
Preparation mode:
- Put the water in a bowl and put the orange peels inside and put it on the fire.
- Also, as soon as it boils, lower the heat and leave it for thirty minutes.
- After the tea is ready, let it cool and mix a teaspoon of chicken lard and drink it at
night, when you go to sleep.
Some precautions can also alleviate the irritating symptoms of coughing and difficulty breathing. We recommend that:
- Also, drink lots of fluids;
- rest and shelter from the cold;
- Also, use an air humidifier;
- do not smoke and do not expose yourself to passive smoking.
- In addition, inhalations for bronchitis based on tea tree oil can also be helpful. This remedy, however, is recommended for adults only. Inhalation with water and bicarbonate is sufficient for children.
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Among the essential oils suggested are juniper, cypress and pine, or thyme and lavender. Also, pour a few drops into the bathtub for a relaxing, purifying bath.