Top 10 Causes of Fever!

The Top 10 Causes of Fever are very common which can be a serious sign that Fever  is becoming more common. In addition, Fever  or pyrexia is the elevation of human body temperature above the limits considered normal (36 to 37.3 °C), a range that comprises 95% of the healthy population. Temperature regulation is carried out by the hypothalamus. It can be caused by a number of factors including: infection, sequelae of tissue damage, inflammation, graft rejection, malignant process or other factors.Fever is not a disease and generally does  not require rapid intervention, it is a symptom that has an organic defense role. Its strict control does not prevent seizures (only 4% of a population of healthy children has febrile seizures), but this can be a triggering factor in susceptible patients, even with a small temperature rise. About 5% of emergency consultations have fever  as the main symptom.

Main Causes of Fever : Fever  occurs when an area in your brain called  the hypothalamus senses an invasion of microorganisms, reacts by shifting normal body temperature. Normal body temperature varies throughout the day – it is lowest in the morning and highest in the late afternoon and early evening.

Most people consider 37°C to be a normal temperature, but it can vary a little less, being between 36.6° and 37.8°C. Factors such as menstrual cycle or heavy exercise  can affect body temperature. The Top 10 Causes of Fever are:

  • Virus
  • Bacterial infection
  • Insolation
  • Sunburn
  • Certain inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Malignant tumor
  • Some medications and drugs, such as antibiotics used to treat high blood pressure  or a seizure
  • Adverse reaction to some vaccines
  • Dehydration.

Sometimes the cause of a fever  cannot be identified. If the patient is an adult and has a body temperature of 38.3°C or higher for three weeks and the doctor is unable to find the cause after extensive evaluation, the diagnosis may be Fever  of unknown origin.

Symptoms of Fever:  Fever is  not just an increase in body temperature, it is usually accompanied by other signs and symptoms. The most common are increased heart and respiratory rate. The heart  increases its rate, on average, by 5 beats per minute for every 1°C rise in body temperature.

Chills, as already explained, are common and are part of the process of raising body temperature . In the same way, sweating also usually appears, usually at the moment when the fever  begins to subside.

Fever also often causes other symptoms such as malaise, loss of appetite, prostration, headache and  body  aches . In some cases, especially in the elderly, very high fever  can cause delirium. In young children there may be a seizure

Some individuals, especially the elderly, newborns, chronic renal failure and patients using corticosteroids, may not develop fever . These patients, when infected, present a more discreet condition, sometimes only with prostration and loss of appetite.

Treatment for Fever: As  fever  is just a symptom, the choice of treatment is directly associated with the  underlying disease  . Bacterial infections, for example, may require the prescription of antibiotics, a type of medication that is absolutely ineffective when the agent of infection is a virus.

As we have already said, in most cases,  fever  is caused by germs that cause short-term infections ( flu ,  colds , some intestinal infections, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc.), which the   body’s own defense system can eliminate.

Recent research suggests that temperature elevation is a beneficial host strategy to react to internal and external aggressions. Therefore, in most cases, there is no need for special medications to treat  fever . Hydration, rest and medication to relieve symptoms are sufficient measures for patient comfort.

Antipyretics, or antipyretics, should be used with care and when absolutely necessary. It is always good to point out that very high doses of paracetamol can harm the  kidneys  and  liver  and that acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated in cases of dengue and certain viral infections in children.

Recommendations Against Fever:  Fever can  be the warning sign of an illness that needs to be treated quickly. Therefore, seek medical assistance in the following cases:

  • Temperature above 37.5º C and below 35.5% in babies under three months and above 39º C in babies over three months, or if the high or low fever  is accompanied by persistent crying and extreme irritability;
  • Fever lasting  more than one day, accompanied by headache  , irritability, drowsiness, difficulty speaking, apathy (symptoms suggestive of meningitis) in children up to 2 years of age;
  • Fever  in people of any age accompanied by the following symptoms ; severe  and persistent headache, excessive sensitivity to light; sore throat that prevents swallowing; redness of the skin ; neck stiff and painful when bending the head; mental confusion; repetitive vomiting; difficulty breathing or chest pain  ; irritability or apathy or drowsiness ; abdominal pain; pain  when urinating or frequent small amounts of urination.

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