Broccoli Diet: Does It Work? how to do it, benefits, menu and tips

The broccoli diet is one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Although many people don’t like the taste of this delicious vegetable, broccoli can be an important ally in the fight against excess weight.

Especially if you stick to the diet with which you can lose weight and up to 8 kilos in 10 days.

Before embarking on the broccoli diet , it is good to know a little more about this green bouquet that contains twice as much vitamin A and vitamin C as an orange , and with it many B vitamins , calcium , magnesium , manganese , selenium , zinc , iron and potassium .

Broccoli is also high in fiber and folic acid .

Studies have shown that vegetable broccoli has the highest concentration of anti-cancer substances, and that’s not all – a cup of broccoli has only 44 calories.

Looking at all this it is not surprising how broccoli gives excellent weight loss results in just a few days.

Benefits of the broccoli diet

1. Prevents Osteoporosis:

The vitamin K present in broccoli plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis and loss of bone mineral density.

In addition, eating the vegetable helps to prevent the initial signs and symptoms of the disease.

2. Controls blood sugar levels:

If there is a decrease in an individual’s potassium level , then that individual may experience a drop in blood sugar level .

A decrease in blood sugar can cause sweating, headache , weakness, tremors, and nervousness .

However, broccoli has the ability to help control blood sugar levels .

3. Prevents cancer:

Broccoli contains a large percentage of antioxidants that are essential for cancer prevention , such as stomach cancer , prostate cancer , breast cancer and colon cancer , so it is recommended to consume the vegetable to increase cell resistance. cancer cells and the individual protects normal cells from damage.

4. Improves eye health:

Broccoli is also very important for eye health because it contains antioxidants, zeaxanthin and lutein .

These properties are important in helping to protect the eyes against cataracts and macular degeneration.

5. Improves mood:

The vitamin C found in broccoli still plays an essential role in the production of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine.

These neurotransmitters affect a person’s mood and are critical for proper brain function.

Broccoli Diet Information

1. Calories and weight connection:

To lose and keep the pounds, you need to be aware of how many calories you’re eating.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will end up gaining weight.

To lose weight , you need to burn more calories than you consume. One kilogram equals about 3,500 calories.

So, to lose a pound, you need to burn about 3,500 calories, either through exercise, eating fewer calories, or a combination of both.

2. Fiber connection and weight:

In addition to watching your calories, you should also be eating a high fiber diet.

Fiber, which is found primarily in whole grains, vegetables , fruits and vegetables , is not absorbed or digested by your body, but passes through your stomach and small intestine relatively intact.

Because your body cannot break down fiber, eating foods with fiber slows down digestion.

This, in turn, helps you feel more complete. As you feel fuller, you are likely to eat less and take in more calories.

3. Calories and fiber in broccoli:

If you are trying to lose or maintain weight loss , broccoli can help.

That’s because it’s low in calories but still high in fiber. A cup of raw broccoli has only about 31 calories, providing 2.4 grams of fiber.

In comparison, a cup of cooked medium-grain white rice has about 242 calories and only 0.6 grams of fiber.

light broccoli diet recipes

1. Easy light broccoli soup:


– 400 grams of cooked broccoli;
– 2 cups (tea) of skimmed milk;
– 2 cups (tea) of light chicken broth diluted in water ;
– 1 clove of crushed garlic ;
– 3 tablespoons of light Greek yogurt ;
– Salt and seasoning to taste.


  • Wash all the ingredients well;
  • Take them to the blender, minus the light Greek yogurt ;
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, take the mixture to a pan;
  • Increase the heat and add the yogurt , but be careful not to let it boil;
  • Serve immediately, and if you want, add small pieces of broccoli.

2. Light creamy broccoli soup:


– 300 grams of frozen broccoli;
– 2 tablespoons of ricotta cream or light cream cheese;
– ¼ cup (tea) of water;
– 1 liter of homemade vegetable broth or 1 liter of water + 2 packages of light vegetable broth ;
– Salt and/or seasoning to taste.


  • Take the frozen broccoli, wash it quickly;
  • Place them in a large pot and add the vegetable stock ;
  • Let it cook on high heat for an average of 30 minutes;
  • After noticing that the broccoli has obtained a soft texture, turn off the heat and let it cool;
  • Take the contents to the blender and process until you have a homogeneous texture;
  • Return the contents to the pan and add ¼ cup (tea) of water , the light cream cheese and seasoning to taste;
  • Let it cook on high heat for an average of 8 minutes, always stirring;
  • Use small pieces of broccoli to decorate;
  • Remove from heat and serve.

3. Light broccoli soup with Brazil nuts:


– 1 unit of broccoli (chopped);
– 1 medium onion (chopped);
– 2 tablespoons of brown rice;
– 1 liter of water ;
– 1 light chicken broth ;
– 6 processed Brazil nuts;
– 1 teaspoon of olive oil ;
– 1 teaspoon of basil.


  • Bring the pan to the fire;
  • Put the oil and sauté the onion along with the broccoli;
  • Add rice and chicken stock ;
  • Lower the heat and let it cook for an average of 20 minutes;
  • Remove from the heat and take the contents to the blender;
  • Add the basil and process the entire mixture;
  • Return the mixture to the pan;
  • Add the Brazil nut just before serving.

broccoli diet menu

1st and 2nd day broccoli diet :

  1. Breakfast: 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 50 grams of rye bread; 1 cup of low-fat yogurt or milk ;
  2. Lunch: 250 ml of low-fat chicken broth ; 150 g of chicken (cooked or roasted without fat); 150 g of steamed broccoli;
  3. Dinner: 250 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed) seasoned with garlic and a little olive oil ; 2 carrots (raw or steamed)

3rd and 4th day of the broccoli diet:

  1. Breakfast: 200 grams of broccoli and a pepper – raw or steamed with olive oil and garlic ;
  2. Lunch: 100 grams of tuna or cooked chicken ; 150 grams of broccoli – steamed or sautéed in port and olive oil ; 2 medium-sized tomatoes ;
  3. Dinner: 200 grams of broccoli and a pepper – raw or steamed with olive oil and garlic .

5 and 6 days of the broccoli diet :

  1. Breakfast: 100 g of lean ham (preferably turkey or chicken ); 100 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 1 skimmed yogurt ;
  2. Lunch: 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese; 1 slice of rye bread ;
  3. Dinner: 150 grams of lean meat (or beef ) cooked or roasted without fat; 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed)

7 and 8 days of the broccoli diet :

  1. Breakfast: 100 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 2 boiled eggs .
  2. Lunch: 250 ml of low-fat chicken broth ; 150 g of chicken (cooked or roasted without fat); 150 g of steamed broccoli.
  3. Dinner: 250 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 1 cup of tomato juice .

9 and 10 days of the broccoli diet :

  1. Breakfast: 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 2 carrots (raw or steamed); 1 cup of low-fat yogurt or milk .
  2. Lunch: 150 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 150 g of fish or chicken (cooked or roasted, seasoned with a little olive oil); 1 slice of rye bread .
  3. Dinner: 200 grams of broccoli (raw or steamed); 1 baked potato in crust.

The Broccoli Diet is healthy for your body and helps you lose weight in record time up to 8 kg.

Also, it is not as restrictive as other diets, because the principle is a balanced nutritional regimen.

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