Boiled egg diet to lose belly fat in 1 week!

Amazing boiled egg diet to lose belly 100% naturally because it is being done by thousands of people who want to lose weight . It is surprising the repercussion that the boiled egg diet has had, especially after being adhered to by several celebrities.

Believe me, the egg is widely consumed by celebrities and ordinary people who want to lose weight , it is also great for muscle reconstruction, which is why it is so consumed by fans and celebrities in the fitness world.

Although the boiled egg diet to lose belly fat  is excellent for those who want to lose weight , it is necessary to take some care so that it does not backfire and harm your health.

A balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for the success of the diet, it is worth remembering that we should always seek the guidance of a professional before changing any eating habits.

Boiled egg diet to lose belly fat in 1 week!

The egg diet to lose weight fast that I’m going to tell you, was designed for a duration of just 3 days. After the 3 days your body will continue to burn fat.

First day:

Second day:

  • Breakfast: 1 banana, 2 boiled eggs and 1 cup of green tea .
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 125 g of grilled chicken breast and 1 cup of green tea .
  • Dinner: 1 slice of biscuit, 125 g of cottage cheese and 1 glass of 0% skimmed milk.

Third day:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and a glass of tomato juice .
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 125 g of cooked red meat and 1 cup of green tea .
  • Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes, lettuce and 1 cup of green tea .

During the boiled egg diet avoid consuming:

  • Any type of frying;
  • Sal;
  • Pastas;
  • Fast food;
  • Sugar;
  • fat meats
  • What to Eat During the Egg Diet

Boiled Egg Diet Result:

During the 3 days you will lose up to 3 kg and after the diet your body will continue to burn fat during the week. The practice of physical exercise will further enhance the results.

Attention: Consult your doctor before starting the boiled egg diet to lose belly , so that he can tell you the best type of diet for your condition.

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