Biotin – Sources, Dosage, Deficiencies and Side Effects!

The benefits of biotin are many, and this vitamin is a form of vitamin B, present in many foods and available as a supplement. The sources are many and it is sold under many names, including Appearex, Vitamin B7 , Vitamin H ,  and Coenzyme R.

Many multivitamins and B vitamin supplements also contain biotin . This vitamin works by breaking down food into sugar that your body can use for energy . It’s important for healthy skin and nails, and it also keeps your eyes, liver , and nervous system working properly.

What is biotin?

Also known as vitamin H , biotin is one of the B vitamins that helps the body convert food into energy . The word biotin comes from the ancient Greek word biotos, which means life or sustenance. The B vitamins and specifically help maintain healthy skin, hair , eyes, liver  and nervous system. It is also a crucial nutrient during pregnancy as it is important for embryonic growth.

Most people get the amount of this vitamin they need from eating a healthy diet , but there have been many claims that getting more of this vitamin can regulate blood sugar , promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, and help expectant moms. to have healthier babies. How much of this vitamin is enough, where can you get it, and what can it really do for you?+

What is biotin used for?

Biotin has been shown to be important for many health factors, including supporting neurological functions, stabilizing blood sugar levels , DNA stability, and hair , skin, and nail health.

The body cannot synthesize biotin , so it needs to be obtained regularly from the diet and intestinal bacteria. In addition, it can be found in a wide variety of foods, including animal liver , egg yolks, cow’s milk, and some fruits and vegetables.

While the deficiency is rare, it can be dangerous if left untreated. Suboptimal levels or marginal deficiencies, which are much more common, have been linked to a variety of negative health effects. Including growth retardation, neurological dysfunction, hair loss , rash, muscle pain, and anemia .

Why is biotin needed?

Biotin has vital metabolic functions. Without the vitamin as a cofactor, many enzymes do not function properly, and serious complications can occur, including various diseases of the skin, intestinal tract, and nervous system. It can help treat high blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes and can be helpful in maintaining healthy hair and nails.

Decreasing insulin resistance and improving glucose tolerance and possibly preventing birth defects. It plays a role in energy metabolism and has been used to treat alopecia, cancer, Crohn’s disease , hair loss , Parkinson ‘s disease, peripheral neuropathy, Rett syndrome, seborrheic dermatitis, and vaginal candidiasis.

Health benefits of biotin:

Biotin is vital for many body functions It is used by the body to metabolize carbohydrates , fats and amino acids. It is also vital for the normal growth of fetuses. Many people take supplements to boost the health of their skin, hair and nails. While more research is needed, it appears that this vitamin could be useful in these areas.

One study found that taking biotin creates significant hair growth in women with  temporary hair loss. It is also noted that it can be helpful in treating rashes in babies known as seborrheic dermatitis or cradle cap.

It is important for hair, skin and nails. Low levels can lead to brittle nails and hair loss . There is some evidence that supplements can help prevent hair thinning , especially if you are deficient. Taking a supplement of this vitamin is not harmful and can improve hair quality .

Biotin may also be useful in treating diabetes . One study found that a treatment that combines chromium picolinate and this vitamin improves glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes . High doses were also found to be helpful in treating peripheral neuropathy, a symptom of diabetes .

Causes of Biotin Deficiency:

Biotin deficiency is quite rare. Doctors typically look at one of six possible causes to explain why your levels might be so low. These causes are:

Medications:  Certain medications can prevent the body from absorbing vitamins properly. These medications include antibiotics and anti-seizure medications. Also, antibiotics destroy the good bacteria in your gut that can naturally produce it.

Intravenous Feeding:  If you receive your nutrition from an IV or tube, you may develop a Biotin deficiency . Supplements may be needed until you can eat solid foods again.

Bowel Problems:  Some chronic bowel conditions can prevent your body from absorbing nutrients from food. In addition, these conditions include Crohn’s disease and colitis.

Long-Term Diet:  Strictly eating can prevent you from getting a wide variety of vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Eating a well-balanced diet is vital to your health, and you can still maintain or lose weight if that’s your goal.

Biotin dosage:

In order to receive the benefits of biotin , the recommended daily value is:

  • 5 micrograms per day for babies;
  • 6 to 8 micrograms per day for children 7 months to 3 years of age;
  • 12 to 20 micrograms per day for children 4 to 13 years of age;
  • 25 micrograms for teenagers;
  • 30 micrograms for adult males and females over 19 years of age;
  • 30 milligrams for pregnant women and 35 milligrams for women who are breastfeeding.

Vitamins or biotin supplements are available over-the-counter in pill or capsule form. And you can also find it liquid online or at your local vitamin store. The common dosage of this vitamin ranges from 1,000 micrograms to 10,000 micrograms, values ​​much higher than the daily recommended amount.

Some people choose to take the vitamin for hair growth and younger looking skin. Furthermore, and there is some evidence to suggest that these uses are beneficial. If you want to try supplements, start with smaller doses and work your way up if you’re noticing positive changes.

Biotin side effects:

Although it is available as a supplement, biotin is something you should only take if advised by your doctor. Most people get enough of this vitamin through their regular diet . Talk to your doctor about other medications you are taking. As well as any medical conditions you have prior to taking this vitamin. Vitamins and supplements can have a negative effect on some medications and medical conditions.

There are currently no known adverse side effects of biotin when administered. As prescribed by a physician or through normal dietary intake. There are some cases where certain dietary or other habits have caused a deficiency of this vitamin. Also, studies have found that women who smoke can increase the metabolism of the vitamin in their bodies and cause a deficiency.

Useful links: 

Another case showed that eating raw eggs particularly egg whites regularly can also create a deficiency of this vitamin. In this case, the deficiency triggered a condition called vitamin-responsive limb weakness . In addition, this condition simulates quadriplegia. Therefore, regular consumption of raw egg whites was used in another study which showed that this caused a biotin deficiency as well.

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