10 health benefits of rose tea!
The benefits of rose tea are diverse and it has a lot of essential nutrients for the general health of the body . This warm and relaxing drink made with dried or fresh rose petals.
Furthermore, this tea is also known as the Lady’s Tea because it affects women in a very specific way and helps to balance endocrine disorders and reduce breast tenderness.
The tea is aromatic and delicious with health benefits that are almost as sweet as the comfort drink. It contains beneficial vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system and improve overall health.
News of the week:
Health benefits of rose tea:
1. Heart health:
Antioxidants protect the heart from attacks and strokes helping in the proper functioning of arteries and blood vessels. It can neutralize radical activity and protect the heart from oxidative stress.
2. Improves digestion:
Tea is ideal to help stimulate the production of bile in the stomach which helps improve digestion.
3. Acts on skin hydration:
This drink contains Vitamin A and Vitamin E, it helps to hydrate and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of lines and diminishing dark circles.
4. Relieves Sore Throat, Cold and Flu:
Tea is soothing for sore throats and symptoms of the common cold and flu. Vitamin C helps fight infection and relieves pain.
5. Relieves Stress:
Rose tea balances the body ‘s emotional and stress hormones due to its extraordinary ability to calm the nervous system.
6. Removes toxins from the liver:
Rose tea is known to be a mild laxative, so in addition to increasing bile production, it will also speed up the overall toxin removal process and prevent some liver problems in the future.
7. Improves sleep:
Rose Tea is a mild sedative that helps improve sleep and is an antidepressant and can treat problems such as insomnia , tiredness and anxiety.
8. Help improve immunity:
Antioxidants and vitamin C build up the body’s immune system and protect it against infections and germs that invade the body.
9. Relieves Colic Pain:
The benefits of rose tea relieves menstrual cycle symptoms, namely cramps and mood swings. Anxiety, restlessness and insomnia associated with menstrual problems are also lessened.
10. Eye health:
Useful links:
This tea is an antiseptic tonic and can reduce redness caused in the eyes. It eradicates all bacterial invasions and disinfects the organs to eliminate the infection .