Benefits of Cotton Leaf Tea – What is it for and how to make it!

Benefits of Cotton Leaf Tea – What is it for and how to make it . In addition, Chá das Folhas de Algodão is widely used to make dressings, cleaning, such as skin cleaning, to remove enamel, among others.

But many do not know that its leaves bring great benefits to our health. The tea made with cotton leaves serves as a diuretic, favors digestion and regulates menstruation.

Tea also promotes blood cleansing, fighting blackheads and pimples, as well as other skin conditions.

What is Cotton Leaf Tea for?

Cotton leaf tea is rich as it contains diuretic properties that aid digestion.

Cotton Leaf Tea has  anti-dysenteric (against dysentery), bactericidal (fighting bacteria), anti-rheumatic, emollient and hemostatic (anti-hemorrhagic) properties. One of its properties is also the anti-inflammatory effect.

What is Cotton Sheet and Mastruz for?

Mastruz is a very well-known and used plant, as its essential oil has anti-inflammatory, vermifuge, antibiotic, digestive, antifungal, antioxidant and healing properties, so the combination of the two is widely used in the treatment of situations such as bronchitis or foot. athlete, for example.

What is the Benefit of Cotton Leaves:

The roots can also be used, many people are unaware of their use but they can be used in case of inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and retention of the placenta.

  • Stimulates the production of breast milk;
  • Controls uterine bleeding;
  • Post-operative healing;
  • For inflammation in the uterus ;
  • Helps in the healing of surgeries;
  • Decreases sperm production;
  • Regulates blood cholesterol levels ;
  • Reduces the size of the prostate;
  • Treats  kidney infections ;
  • Combats the pain of rheumatism;
  • Controls excessive menstrual flow.

Also recommended to increase breast milk.

What is Cotton Leaf Juice for?

Many women drink this drink to make their period go down faster. Cotton Leaf Juice can be taken a few days before menstruation or in case of delay in menstruation up to a week of delay.

A common question is whether cotton leaf juice causes miscarriages, since one of its functions is also to clean the uterus.

There are no proven studies stating whether you can interrupt a pregnancy, but it is not recommended to use it in the first months of pregnancy and it is also always necessary to consult your doctor so that he authorizes or not the use of the drink.

Cotton Leaves Tea Recipes :


  • Make a decoction with 2 teaspoons of dry cotton leaves and a cup of water. Take three times a day.

Menstrual Pain:

  • Take cotton flower petals, cotton leaves, bamboo leaves and boil them together with water to make syrup;
  • Consume 1 small cup of this juice three times a day during menstruation, it will remove pain.


A tea made from cotton leaves can be used as a remedy for coughs and similar ailments.

  • Remember to soak the leaves for a few hours in slightly hot water before using. To prevent the medicinal attributes from disappearing, do not boil the leaves.

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