Bay Leaf: What is it for, Benefits and Care

Bay leaf is an aromatic leaf which is widely used in cooking all over the world.Dried bay leaves are commonly used as they have a strong aroma and flavor and are used in the preparation of meats, stews, broths and soups.

Bay leaves also have medicinal properties. It is used to treat the common cold as its strong aroma and bitter taste provide a calming effect. So, read more about the Health Benefits of Bay Leaf !

Nutritional Benefits of Bay Leaf:

Bay leaf provides around 320 calories per 100 grams of its consumption. It is rich in carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Saturated, PUFA and unsaturated fats are also present. It also contains vitamins such as Vitamin A , Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. In addition bay leaves are rich in minerals such as Calcium , Iron , Potassium and Magnesium .

Benefits of Bay Leaf In Digestion: Bay leaf has a strong smell that stimulates the production of saliva and other digestive enzymes. These enzymes help in breaking down food particles, thus promoting healthy digestion. Bay leaf is known to be helpful against heartburn and bloating.

Bay leaf tea is often recommended to prevent constipation.

Benefits of Bay Leaf in Fighting Cancer: Anti-cancer compounds such as caffeic acid, quercetin, euganol and catechins are present in bay leaf . These compounds restrict the metabolism of cancer cells.

Bay leaves are known to be helpful against leukemia and breast cancer. Parthenolide is a phytonutrient present in bay leaf , which helps in restricting the growth of cervical cancer cells.

Benefits of Bay Leaf for Respiratory Problems: Bay leaf tea is recommended during fever and flu. It helps relieve congestion. Bay leaves have anti-bacterial properties, thus helping in the fight against the bacteria that cause the flu.

Benefits of Bay Leaf For the Heart: Bay leaf itself contains zero cholesterol. It is even rich in heart-helping compounds like rutin, salicylates, caffeic acid and phytonutrients. They help to reduce the chances of coronary heart disease.

They help improve heart health and make it active. Bay leaves are even rich in mono unsaturated fatty acids. MUFA aids in raising HDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol. Stress, anxiety and blood pressure are also reduced by its intake.

Benefits of Bay Leaf for Diabetics: Bay leaves are helpful in fighting type 2 diabetes. They increase the production of insulin and thus control the level of glucose in the body.

Anti-inflammatory properties of bay leaves: Parthenolide is an anti-inflammatory compound found in bay leaf .

The extracted oil can be used to relieve migraine and arthritis. Pain and swelling can also be reduced by applying your extracted oil.

Bay Leaf Benefits for Skin: Bay leaf contains a variety of antioxidants and antiseptic compounds like a-pinene, ß-pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, cavicol methyl, neral, a-terpineol, gernyl acetate p -cymene, euganol and cavicol.

These were found to be beneficial for the skin. Bay leaf is also rich in Vitamin C , which helps in preventing free radical damage.

Other Health Benefits of Bay Leaf:

  • Bay leaf is rich in folic acid. It helps in DNA synthesis and also prevents neural tube defects in newborns. It is recommended for pregnant women.
  • Bay leaf can be consumed to maintain a regular menstruation.
  • Kidney stones and infections can be reduced by drinking water boiled from bay leaf.
  • Bay leaf contains lauric acid. It’s anti-infective. Crushed leaves can be applied on stings and bites to achieve quick recovery.
  • Bay leaf has anti-bacterial properties and acts as a cleaning agent. It can be used to achieve healthy oral hygiene. Crush dry leaves and brush to achieve healthy teeth.
  • Bay leaf is rich in minerals. Potassium aids in blood pressure control. Copper and magnesium which acts as co-factors for several enzymes.

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