Bacupari Fruit: What is it for, benefits, how to use and properties

Bacupari  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Bacupari is a   fruit also known as bacuri-mirim , bacoparé, bacopari-miúdo, bacuri-miúdo, escropari and little lemon.

Bacupari belongs to the Gutíferas  family and its name is often confused with that of its relatives bacuri and bacuripari, even in specialized books.

What is the meaning of Bacupari

Bacupari  ( Rheedia gardneriana ) is a fruit of Brazilian origin, found in several regions of the country; mainly in the Amazon region and appreciated by riverside families.

What is bacupari for?

Bacupari is a fruit native to the Cerrado and the Amazon and has many benefits, including studies that have shown it to be a great hope in the battle against cancer.

This fruit from the Amazon region has a potential three times greater than the blueberry, an American fruit known by researchers as having a high antioxidant potential.

Bacupari nutritional information

The following table indicates the nutritional composition per 100 g of Bacupari:

lipids0,1 g
proteins1,90 g
Total fat2,00 g
Saturated fat0,00 g
dietary fiber7,40 g

Bacuripari comes from the Tupi Guarani and means “fruit of fence” because of the ascending branches that grow horizontally when the plant is born in open areas or because the Indians cultivated it to surround their gardens. So, check out  The 10 Health Benefits of Bacupari:

Benefits of Bacupari for Health


Bacupari has chemicals that fight cavity-  causing  microbes . 7-epiclusianone, found in Bacupari ,  was shown to be as potent as chlorhexidine, the strongest antibiotic used by dentists. The advantage of 7-epiclusianone over chlorhexidine is that this substance only kills the bacteria in the mouth, does not darken the teeth, does not smell or taste bad.

Benefits of Bacupari for Cancer

Several Brazilian studies have already shown a great effectiveness of Bacupari to help fight  prostate cancer , breast cancer , tumors in general and urinary tract infection, among others.


Bacupari  leaves are used to treat skin diseases , mainly to remove blemishes .

Wound Healing

Bacupari  is used in folk medicine in the form of a tea to relieve wounds and infectious processes and to prevent dental caries.

Benefits of Bacupari for Intestine

Previous studies have already demonstrated the effectiveness of Bacupari in killing bacteria that cause disease in the intestine .

canker sores improve

There are several other people who  swish Bacupari extract to treat cold sores .

Bacupari for the Kidneys

There are also antibacterial substances found in Bacupari bark . There are reports of people using the leaves of the plant to treat tumors and kidney stones.


Bacupari  works  as a tonic that helps to clean and compensate for some skin characteristics , such as excess oil. It maintains the natural balance, invigorates and restores the skin ‘s vitality .

Power supply

Bacupari helps to give more energy or vitality to the tissues after a period of weakness left by some diseases. 

Benefits of Bacupari for Healing

Because it contains anti-inflammatory properties,  Bacupari  helps to speed up the healing process of various types of wounds, as they help skin cells  to recover faster.

How to use bacupari fruit

Bacupari is a fruit native to Brazil, most found in the Cerrado and Amazon region. and there are some ways to use bacupari fruit, such as:

  • juices
  • Jams
  • Turn
  • in jams
  • Vitamins
  • Oil for medicinal use.

Can you eat the bacupari bark?

Can you eat the bacupari bark is a very frequent question on our blog Dicas de Saúde.É, answering the question.

yes, it can be used to produce a type of vinegar.

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