5 Shocking Symptoms of Anemia in the Body!

The shocking symptoms of anemia in the body  are your body’s way of letting you know that it is not well, and you suffer from this disease. Also, anemia is a word that comes from the Greek and means denial of blood. There are several types of anemia and in this article we will make a general approach. Anemia is defined as the condition in which the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is below normal.

Hemoglobin is a protein present in erythrocytes (red blood cells). Its pigment is what gives the red color to the blood and has the function of transporting oxygen, taking it from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body. The Symptoms of Anemia can be determined by several factors. About 50% of cases are due to iron deficiency, determined by an iron -deficient diet .

The other causes are related to folate, vitamin B12, or vitamin A deficiencies, chronic inflammation, parasitic infections, hereditary diseases, and autoimmune diseases. Among the most vulnerable risk groups for the occurrence of  Anemia Symptoms are children under two years of age, pregnant women and women of childbearing age.

Types and Causes of Anemia are:

Acute anemia:  usually occurs if there is continuous and/or excessive bleeding, which happens, for example, due to an internal injury in the body, during surgery or when an accident occurs.

Chronic anemia: its cause is linked to some hereditary factor in the case of sickle cell anemia, for example. But some people acquire it when they have a lack of nutrients (poor diet), during pregnancy, due to lack of iron  (iron deficiency anemia), when the body lacks vitamin B12 and, in other situations, due to folic acid deficiency.

Anemia Symptoms: Check Now the Main Ones!

1. Tiredness and Lack of Energy:

When the number of oxygen-carrying cells is reduced, the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to all tissues is compromised. As oxygen is an essential fuel for cells to function, its reduction causes symptoms such as tiredness, weakness, dizziness, lack of mood, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness and headache.

2. Lack of Air:

Shortness of breath usually occurs in severe cases  of Anemia Symptoms  or in patients who already have some degree of cardiac and/or pulmonary malfunction. As the amount of oxygen that reaches the cells is insufficient, the body’s response is to accelerate the respiratory rate, in an attempt to increase blood oxygenation.

3. Tachycardia – Accelerated Heart:

Just as there is an increase in respiratory rate, there is also an increase in heart activity. The heart speeds up trying to increase the amount of blood reaching the tissues. So the logic is simple, if the blood is low in oxygen, more blood needs to arrive so the cells can receive an acceptable amount of oxygen.

4. Chest Pain:

In patients with heart disease, reduced tissue oxygenation and increased heart rate may not be well tolerated. If the patient already has a diseased heart, he will have difficulties in increasing its functioning. And even the symptoms of mild anemia  can be the last straw that was needed to trigger cardiac ischemia.

5. Skin Pallor:

The pallor of the skin and mucous membranes occurs for two reasons. The main one is reduced blood circulation that occurs in peripheral tissues (such as the skin). Since the organism starts to give priority to the noble organs of the body, diverting the blood flow to them. As the skin receives less blood, it becomes paler.

Food Sources of Iron:

Iron is an essential micronutrient for life and acts mainly in the synthesis of red blood cells (red blood cells) and in the transport of oxygen in the body There are two types of iron  in foods: heme iron (from animal sources, being better absorbed) and non-heme iron (found in vegetables).

  • Sources of heme iron: red meat, mainly offal (liver and offal), poultry, pork, fish and shellfish.
  • Sources of non-heme iron: dark green leafy vegetables and legumes such as beans and lentils.
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As non-heme iron  has low bioavailability, it is recommended to eat foods that improve the absorption of this type of iron at the same meal , for example, those rich in vitamin C, available in citrus fruits (oranges, acerola, lemon and cashew). , in vitamin A (papaya and mango) and vegetables like pumpkin and carrot.

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