7 Home Recipes to Get Rid of Dark Circles
Home Recipes To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Safely And 100% Natural. Also, the appearance of dark spots under the eyes known as dark circles is certainly not pleasant, especially in the case of women , their appearance is usually due to several factors it could even be hereditary in some way or another getting rid of them can be a bit difficult of course depending on how deep they are.
Dark circles, scientifically called periorbital hyperpigmentation, are characterized by darkening and swelling of the lower part of the eyes, which gives the individual a tired look. These changes happen due to the increase in melanin and changes in the small pots that irrigate this region, but they can also be caused by sleepless nights and excess sun, for example.
Causes of dark circles: To remove dark circles it is important to know their causes so that the treatment can be well targeted. The causes of dark circles can be:
- Genetics: If the mother, father or grandparents have dark circles under the eyes, there is a great chance that the individual will also have them;
- Due to the accumulation of melanin and/or hemosiderin in the region, which may be associated with very thin skin in this area, which allows the visualization of small blood vessels;
- Due to conditions such as sinusitis, rhinitis, Addison’s disease, pituitary tumors, thyroid disorders, or Cushing’s syndrome;
- Due to the use of arsenic-based photosensitizing drugs, phenothiazides or hydantoin.
- Tiredness, smoking and insomnia can make dark circles worse.
Treatments for Dark Circles: To effectively remove dark circles , you can use treatments with skin lightening products, such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K1 or kojic acid; exfoliating agents, antioxidants and actives that reduce blood microcirculation and strengthen the skin, eliminating sagging. So, check out now The 7 Home Recipes to Get Rid of Dark Circles.
1. Strawberry: For those who didn’t know that strawberry is a natural inflammatory, which works well as one of the Home Recipes to Eliminate Dark Circles , all you have to do is prepare the pulp into a kind of puree, then be left to cool for a couple of minutes to finally place around the area covering the eyepiece, left for an hour and then washed off with water.
2. Tomato: Mash half a ripe tomato and apply it on the dark circles, letting it act for 20 minutes, in addition to a lot of water, it is rich in vitamin C that improves the immune system and the absorption of iron in meals. Tomato has the main benefit of helping to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer, because it is rich in lycopene with 2573 mcg of lycopene.
3. Cold Compress: Every day before going to sleep, a small wet cloth can be placed in the freezer to remove it in the morning, rest and put it on the forehead and eyes, which, in the opinion of those who have already done it, can help to eliminate dark circles.
4. Cucumber Mask: The most common mask for these cases is made with Cucumber , you should only cut it into thin slices and put them on your eyes for 25 minutes, then you should wash your face with cold water and certainly in a couple of weeks you will notice the results of these amazing Home Recipes to Eliminate Dark Circles .
5. Potato: Grate a raw potato , place it in a cloth and place it over your eyes is a well-done practice regarding dark circles reduction. This is one of the Home Recipes to Eliminate Dark Circles that gives a significant result
6. Aloe Vera: Before makeup you can apply Aloe Vera under the eyes and then you should massage the area until the skin has completely absorbed the gel, this works great for those with dark circles it will also make your skin look much smoother.
7. Almond Oil: Put almond oil on the part where these unsightly blemishes are will provide the hydration, which makes you look much younger, preventing the appearance of wrinkles, at the same time removing the bags that hurt. appear along with dark circles. One of the great homemade recipes to get rid of dark circles.