The 15 Habits That Make You Fat

The 15 Habits That Make You Fat  can be simple habits that we often do without even realizing it. You thought it was the food that made you fat, right? No, more difficult than trying to lose weight is avoiding all the habits that make you fat .

It is very important to know that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to take into account other factors that go far beyond food. There are other daily habits that influence this and if we don’t control them it is possible that they are the cause of the failure of diets and weight gain.

Having a balanced weight is not an easy task and requires a lot of commitment both in food and in our daily habits. So here are the most common ones. So, check out   The 15 Habits That Make You Fat:

1. Little Sleep:  It’s not just your eating habits that can make you fat. Poorly slept nights are also among the Habits that Make You Fat , as they contribute to the formation of Tires . That was the finding of a study by the German universities Tübigen and Lübeck released in July this year, which analyzed the behavior of 14 healthy men of normal weight.

At the end of the research, experts noticed that a bad night’s sleep makes you feel hungrier the next day, as well as compromising calorie expenditure, as you tend to move less when you’re tired.

The data was confirmed through blood tests that showed that, on tired days, the levels of ghrelin (the hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger) were higher, favoring the consumption of a greater number of calories.

Lack of sleep also inhibits the release of leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone, giving rise to an ideal combination for weight gain. Therefore, it is worth betting on rest to make peace with the scales.

2. Going to Sleep Right After You’ve Eaten:  This habit is unhealthy and will not help you lose weight , especially if you’ve eaten too much. At night, metabolism is slower and also with sleep, digestion and metabolism of food will be more difficult, so instead of burning fat, it will be stored in the body.

If you eliminate these Habits That Make You Fat, it will lead to weight loss before you know it, everything will be easier, and when you reach your weight, it will be easier to maintain.

3. Go on Very Restricted Diets:  You don’t have to stop eating everything you like and go on a very restrictive diet to lose weight , because this habit makes you fat . In addition to being unrealistic and almost impossible to obey, these plans can deprive the body of the nutrients it needs.

When choosing a meal plan, choose one that is realistic and that you will be able to follow. And even if you give in to temptation from time to time, keep in mind that this is normal and move on, looking to improve in the coming days.

4. Eating Too Fast:  A survey carried out in 2008 by Osaka University in Japan found that those who eat quickly end up consuming more calories than the body needs, so this is one of the Habits that Make You Fat . That’s because the body needs approximately 20 minutes to identify if it’s still hungry or not, thanks to the action of the PYY hormone.

The study involved 1,122 men and 2,165 women. Those who ate quickly until they couldn’t take it anymore were more likely to be overweight, while those who chewed for longer managed to maintain and even reduce measures with ease.

Functional nutritionist Chris Vitola agrees that one of the main reasons people gain weight is the lack of proper chewing of food. “Those who eat slowly, calmly, chewing their food well, eat smaller portions and are more likely to keep their body up to date”, she says.

To save unnecessary calories, the expert tip is to set aside at least 20 minutes to taste the meal. “Less time than that is harmful to health in general. Try to eat in a quiet place, preferably without a television, and save stressful matters, such as work, for later. Anyway, enjoy the meal, enjoy the food”, explains Chris.

5. Do Other Things While Eating:  Just as not having time to eat can lead to overweight, the same goes for those who take advantage of mealtime to watch television or read overdue emails.

A 2011 study by Harvard University, in the United States, and released by the Daily Mail, revealed that people who pay attention only to what they are ingesting are more likely to lose weight. During the time of the study, those who were not distracted during meals lost approximately 3 pounds.

A similar fact was proved by the University of Bristol at the same time. The British researchers found that those who usually eat while using the computer ingest twice as many calories as they should, making this one of the most common habits that make you fat This is because the memory of what we eat is important for reducing appetite. Thus, paying attention to other things hinders the recording of dish details.

Nutritionist Chris Vitola warns of the importance of paying attention only to the meal. “We should always pay close attention to the act of eating and try our best to concentrate on that moment”, she emphasizes.

6. Being Stressed About Everything:  If the goal is to have a fit body, try also to keep your mind serene. That’s because Stress alters Metabolism , making you gain up to 4 kg in a year. Stress also increases the amount of the Cortisol hormone, which, in excess, favors the deposit of fat in the abdominal region.

7. Not Eating Breakfast:  Anyone who thinks that giving up breakfast contributes to weight loss is wrong, as this attitude is also among  The Habits That Make You Fat In fact, the effect achieved will be the opposite of the desired one. Research from the University of Taipei in Taiwan found that the risk of obesity is 34% higher among people who skip breakfast right after waking up.

This is because this is the most active period for most individuals and, thus, requires the greatest amount of energy to be spent throughout the day. Breakfast can actually help you lose weight, as experts at the Hospital das Clínicas in Caracas in Venezuela have discovered. In this research, women who consumed half their daily calories for breakfast had an easier time losing weight.

Also according to the researchers, the lack of a proper breakfast sends a false starvation alert that your body tends to throw when you spend more than five hours on fasting . From then on, metabolism slows down and starts saving energy, storing fats instead of trying to burn them.

8. Drink Little Water:  Water isa vital substance for human beings. It is responsible for keeping part of the organs of the human body functioning.
That’s why its consumption is so important for living beings. Without it, the kidneys work slower and accumulate harmful toxins and consuming it in small amounts makes it one of the main habits that make you fat .

According to experts, the recommended thing for everything to keep working properly is to drink at least two liters of water a day. This can also be achieved with the intake of juices and teas. Sodas should be banned once and for all from your menu. They are a real health poison.

9. Drinking Liquids During Meals:  Those who cannot resist having a glass of juice or soda (even if it is light) during meals need to reevaluate their habits to be able to control their weight more easily.

According to nutritionist Chris, drinking liquids during lunch or dinner dilates the stomach , making us eat more, and even dilutes gastric juice, making digestion less efficient, so this is one of the  habits that can make you fat. “With this, we stop absorbing important substances, in addition to attacking our intestinal mucosa, as macromolecules (particles of poorly digested food) arrive on the intestinal wall”, she adds.

10. Sedentary lifestyle:  Perhaps this is one of the facts that most bothers those who want to include healthy habits in their daily lives: a sedentary lifestyle. Practicing physical activities on a regular basis can help you maintain a healthy body and health. If you lead a sedentary life, you are certainly more likely to gain weight or to acquire diseases related to circulation or the heart .

11. Eat Evening Meals:  Depending on what time you eat your meals, you may be more likely to put on weight. There are studies that show that people who eat more at night are more likely to be overweight than those who eat more during the day.

The recommendation to avoid evening meals is to eat a fiber -rich dinner , to feel satiated, avoid raiding the fridge after you’ve gone to bed and plan snacks and desserts after dinner.

12. Not Knowing Amount of Calories and Fat:  Many people eat food without having any idea of ​​calorie or fat values. This leads to weight gain and habits that make you fat, because you can easily eat twice as many calories as you need to maintain your weight. It’s hard to lose weight if you don’t know how many calories you’re eating.

13. Drinking  a lot: Alcohol consumption also causes weight gain and is very common among the Habits That Make You Fat. Each gram of alcohol is equivalent to approximately seven calories. In the case of sweeter drinks, for example, in addition to the calories from the dose of alcohol, you must add those from the fruit and Sugar .

14. Eating for Emotional Comfort:  Eating for emotional comfort is the practice of consuming large amounts of food in response to feelings (such as depression , anxiety, or loneliness), rather than hunger. Experts estimate that 75% of ‘extra’ eating is caused by emotions. How many times have you found yourself going to the kitchen for a cookie, or ordering ‘junk food’ when you’re Stressed , but not necessarily hungry? So don’t get used to this one among the Habits That Make You Fat.

15. Consuming Too Much Sugar:  It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like Sugar , because our body is programmed to find the substance pleasant. The problem is that some people go beyond the limit of “liking” and become addicted to foods rich in sugar .

That’s why it’s important to break the habit and try to eliminate soft drinks and very sweetened drinks from the diet, in addition to looking for the amount of Sugar present on food packaging, always keeping in mind that the amount indicated by the World Health Organization to be consumed is 25 g per day for a 2,000-calorie diet, or 5% of the amount of calories ingested daily.

It’s also important to be careful with calorie-free sweeteners, as they can increase cravings for the substance. It is still recommended to replace industrialized products with foods that naturally contain sugar , such as fruits.

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