The 10 Symptoms of Vitamin B5 Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin B5 deficiency are varied, but their deficiency is rare. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is an essential vitamin required by the body for cellular processes and optimal fat maintenance. It also participates in the process of synthesis of fats, cholesterol, hormones, neurotransmitter and melatonin.Vitamin B5 is indispensable in the process of cellular metabolism, since, in the form of coenzyme A (CoA), it participates in several reactions that occur in cells. It is also a determining substance for the normal functioning of the body’s metabolism, in addition to aiding in energy production and decreasing stress levels. however, when a vitamin B5 deficiency occurs, symptoms are usually:

In addition, it can also lead to increased sensitivity to insulin, or hypoglycemia. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, is a water soluble vitamin that in turn and regulated by the body, For these reasons that overdose is rare. However, symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency include:

  • Vitamin B5 deficiency can also lead to increased sensitivity to insulin, or hypoglycemia.
  • Burning sensation in the feet.
  • Insomnia or drowsiness.
  • Leg cramps.
  • Nausea.
  • Abdominal pains and cramps.
  • Low antibody production.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability.

In addition, Vitamin B5 is present in various foods and the amount of daily intake recommended by the doctor is at least 5 grams of Vitamin B5 per day. Individuals who consume vitamin B5-rich foods daily have longer and stronger hair than those who do not.

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