The 5 Types of Allergy You Don’t Know
However, he sometimes gets confused, and reacts against components that are not necessarily aggressors. This can lead to symptoms such as red eyes , secretions, coughs , sneezes, itching, skin spots, among others. This is how allergies form.
Why they happen: Allergy is not a disease , but a hypersensitivity of the individual to certain elements. Common diseases occur when the patient is exposed to what, in most cases, he knows he cannot tolerate, not respecting the limitations of his sensitivity. In the case of allergies, there is an activation of some cell types, such as mast cells, basophils and some lymphocytes that produce an antibody, and thus we have the reactions.
And these reactions are something completely personal. In other words, the patient must have in his body a signal that that element is not acceptable for his own immune defense system. Allergy does not depend on quantity – which would be intoxication – but on how the element is able to impress your immune surveillance system.
The 5 Types of Allergy You Don’t Know : There are many elements that can be allergic, which are natural substances that, when in contact with the person, are likely to cause allergies. The types of reactions are related to the affected organ. Thus, allergies are divided into:
- respiratory
- food
- Of skin
- Insect or other animal bites
- Medicines or other physical, chemical elements such as insecticides, pesticides, perfumes…
The most common: Respiratory allergies are the ones that most affect people around the world, according to the professionals consulted. Much of this is due to factors such as population concentration in polluted urban areas, and the habits of staying in closed, dark and not very well ventilated places, either at work or at home.
Risk factors: Although the incidence of allergy is something individual and its appearance varies from person to person, some factors can interfere. Allergy, especially respiratory, as well as eye and hair color , has a family genetic trait, although it is not a genetic determination. Therefore, even with greater possibilities, a child of allergic parents may not develop any allergies throughout his life.
Another factor that influences the appearance of this disorder concerns the environment in which the person lives: depending on the temperature and the amount of pollution, for example, there may be a greater or lesser propensity to develop these reactions. In relation to stress , although it does not cause allergies, it can be considered a co-factor. Under stress , the body has a tendency to release many components that can increase an already installed inflammation and, in this way, amplify the reaction.
Prevent yourself: As a rule, the key to controlling any type of allergy is to remove the allergen. That is, it is the allergy sufferer himself who should keep an eye on what threatens him, and stay away from foods that make him sick or medications that trigger a ration, for example. However, the specialist warns you to always carry your antiallergic medication (prescribed by a specialized professional), after all, it is often impossible to avoid some situations of contact with substances that arouse your allergic reactions.