Top 4 Treatments For Leprosy!

The 4 Main Leprosy Treatments are very important for the eradication of leprosy . In addition, leprosy is also known as leprosy, in fact it is the most used term for the disease  today. Incidentally, two other names are also used: Hansen’s disease or Lazarus disease. It is an infectious disease  , caused by a bacterium that bears the name of Mycobacterium leprae or Hansen’s bacillus, a name given in honor of its discoverer.

Types of Leprosy:  Leprosy can be presented mainly in the following ways:

  • Tuberculoid: In this case, the patient is not severely affected. He has a partial immune response to the bacillus and the symptoms are not so aggressive.
  • Indeterminate: Very few lesions are present, or even a single one, rarely progresses to more severe cases.
  • Lepromatous: It is more serious than the previous ones, the patient has several lesions on the skin  and it is easier to detect the bacteria.

Don’t forget: In all cases of Leprosy /Leprosy, treatment must be sought. Any changes in health  or when you notice something strange on the skin , seek medical attention. Early prevention and treatments are essential.

Leprosy in Pregnancy:  As pregnancy lowers the immunity of women , it is sometimes during pregnancy that the first signs of leprosy appear . Leprosy in pregnancy can be treatedwith the same antibiotics because they do not harm the baby and can also be used during breastfeeding. The newborn may have a little darker skin in the first few days of life, but the skin tone tends to lighten naturally.

Causes of Leprosy:  Leprosy is caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, an intracellular parasite that has a special affinity for skin  cells and nerve cells. Infected patients eliminate the bacilli through nasal secretions, droplets from speech, coughing  or sneezing.

Patients already treated and discharged no longer transmit the bacillus and those on regular treatment no longer do so since the first doses of medication. Although transmissible, leprosy is not a highly contagious  disease.

Symptoms of Leprosy:  Symptoms of Leprosy include:- Tingling, tingling or numbness in the extremities; white or red patches, usually with loss of sensitivity to heat, cold, pain ,  and touch; apparently normal areas of skin  that have altered sensitivity and sweat secretion; lumps and plaques anywhere on the body ; decreased muscle strength (difficulty holding objects).

Main treatments for leprosy:

How to Care for Injured Hands:  When the hand is affected, it should be soaked in a basin of warm water  for 10 to 15 minutes and then dried with a soft towel. Apply moisturizer, petroleum jelly or mineral oil to moisturize and check for other sores or sores daily

Stretching and strengthening exercises may be indicated to improve hand and arm movement. When there is a loss of sensation in the hands, it can be useful to keep them bandaged or wear gloves to protect the skin  from possible burns, for example when cooking.

How to Care for Injured Feet:  A person with leprosy who does not have sensation in their feet needs to observe them daily to see if there is any new injury or compromise. It is also recommended:

  • Wear closed shoes to protect the feet from possible tripping that can be very serious, and that can even lead to the amputation of toes or parts of the foot;
  • Wear 2 pairs of socks to protect your foot well.

In addition, you should wash your feet daily with soap and water  and apply a moisturizing cream to your skin . Nail clipping and callus removal should be performed by a podiatrist.

How to Take Care of the Nose:  Complications that can happen in the nose involve dry skin , runny nose with or without blood , crusts and ulcers. Thus, it is recommended to drip saline solution in the nostrils to keep them clean and unobstructed.

How to Take Care of the Eyes: Eye  complications can be dry eyes , lack of strength in the eyelid, making it difficult to close the eyes . Thus, eye drops or artificial tears are recommended. It may also help to wear sunglasses during the day and a blindfold to  sleep.

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