Top 7 Symptoms of Epidermoid Cyst

The 7 Main Symptoms of Epidermoid Cyst  that we should not ignore. Also, the Epidermoid or Epidermal Cyst is a small, mobile lump under the skin . It forms when surface skin cells move into the skin  and multiply. These cells form the cyst wall and secrete a soft, yellowish substance called keratin, which fills the Epidermoid Cyst . If the cyst wall is ruptured, keratin is discharged into the surrounding skin  , which causes irritation and inflammation. The epidermoid cyst  may remain small for years, or it may continue to enlarge. The  Epidermoid Cyst are rare in children but common in adults. Epidermoid Cysts  are not cancerous.

Causes of Epidermoid Cyst: Epidermoid  Cyst is usually caused by a buildup of keratin. Keratin is a naturally occurring protein in skin cells . Epidermoid cysts  develop when protein is trapped beneath the skin  because of a break in the skin  or hair follicle.

Epidermoid cysts  usually develop in response to skin trauma , HPV infection , acne, or excessive sun exposure. Epidermoid cysts are more likely to develop in people with acne or other skin conditions . So, check now  The 7 Main Symptoms of Epidermoid Cyst:

Signs and Symptoms of Epidermoid Cyst: Epidermoid  Cyst can  be located almost anywhere but are most common on the face, neck, scalp or trunk. The main symptoms of Epidermoid Cyst include:

  • A small, round blister under the  skin , usually on the face, neck, or trunk
  • Redness, swelling, and tenderness in the area, if inflamed or infected
  • A small jagged pimple at the central opening of the  Epidermoid Cyst
  • A thick, yellow, foul-smelling material that sometimes drains from an Epidermoid Cyst
  • An Epidermoid Cyst  appears as a dome-shaped, skin -colored growth  that normally moves when touched and pressed. It may have a small opening in the center.
  • Epidermoid Cysts  can be well defined or irregular due to previous rupture, scarring and regrowth.
  • If manipulated or infected, the Epidermoid Cyst  may turn red and may be tender.

Diagnosis of Epidermoid Cyst:  To diagnose Epidermoid Cyst , a doctor will examine the bump and surrounding skin  as well as take a medical history. They will ask for details about how long the collision was present and whether it changed over time. Doctors can usually diagnose an epidermoid cyst by examination alone, but sometimes an ultrasound or a referral to a dermatologist is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Epidermoid Cyst Treatments: Epidermoid  Cyst usually does not need to be treated unless it is inflamed (red and tender) or is causing a cosmetic problem. Inflamed Epidermoid Cysts  are usually treated by draining the fluid and removing the crust that makes up the wall of theEpidermoid  Cyst .

You may also be treated with antibiotics if the skin  around an epidermoid cyst  is also inflamed. If an epidermoid cyst  is causing irritation or cosmetic difficulty, your doctor can remove it by making a small incision in the skin  and emptying the contents of the  epidermoid cyst  and its wall.

Prevention of Epidermoid Cyst:  There is no way to prevent Epidermoid Cyst .

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