Top 5 Symptoms of an STD

The Main Symptoms of an STD  Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by several types of agents. They are mainly transmitted through sexual contact, through unprotected sex – without using a condom – with a person who is infected. They usually manifest as sores, discharge, blisters or warts. Women, in particular, must be very careful, since, in many cases of STD , it is not easy to distinguish the symptoms of the diseases from the common organic reactions of their body. This requires the woman to visit the doctor periodically.

Some STDs , when not diagnosed and treated in time, can progress to serious complications, such as the inability to get pregnant and even death. Among the diseases classified as STDs  are AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV , syphilis, among others. No, now check out the  Top 5 Symptoms of an STD

Vaginal Secretion or Discharge:  The specialist explains that small clear and odorless secretions can be one of the Symptoms of an STD , up to a week before menstruation , it can be normal after that it can already be a problem. The problem is when the symptom persists. “Any yellowish, green, pink or even white vaginal discharge, when in large quantities, can signal an infection problem or even some STD , such as gonorrhea. The woman needs to be attentive, especially when she has never presented any sign of discharge ”, explains the specialist.

Genital Warts:  They work as an alert for the body and need specific exams to be analyzed. “The appearance of small warts (external or internal) serves as one of the  symptoms of an STD , such as HPV , which in women greatly increases the chances of cervical cancer ”, explains the gynecologist.

Strong Smell:  When you notice an uncharacteristic strong smell, in the vagina region, seek a specialist. “The bad odor can be totally linked to a bacteria and an infection. The picture can generate pus, which changes thenormal odor of the region and, in some cases, can be symptoms of an STD.

Itching:  Usually itching is not related to any symptoms of an STD , but it needs special attention. “In general, this problem is linked to infection by a fungus called candida, which causes candidiasis, which in addition to itching, is accompanied by discharge. But it is worth remembering that itching can also be related to other less frequent genital infections or even to the annoying louse (a species of louse, which settles in the pubic region)”.

Pain During Sexual Intercourse:  Pain during sex can also be some of the  Symptoms of an STD . “Particularly in women who have internal wounds in most STD cases , pain during penetration can be worrisome. Signs such as strong burning and discomfort indicate that something is not going well and a visit to the doctor needs to be scheduled “, explains the specialist.

Risk Group:  Women who have symptoms of an STD  need even greater care. “Women with many sexual partners or who do not use barrier contraceptive methods, such as condoms, need an urgent consultation with a specialist, as in addition to putting their health at risk, they are threatening that of their partners”,

Visit the Gynecologist:  To avoid the risk of symptoms of an STD , consultation with the specialist and carrying out preventive exams is essential. “Every woman who has had sexual intercourse must undergo an annual gynecological consultation to perform routine gynecological exams and to preventcervical cancer, such as hormonal exams and ultrasound to check uterus and ovaries”.

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