Tips to Prevent Vomiting During Pregnancy
Prevent Vomiting in Pregnancy with Ginger and Lemon : These will be your saviors if you have severe vomiting. Its smell and taste helps relieve the feeling of vomiting during pregnancy . Try consuming ginger tea, ginger jelly ontoast and try inhaling lemon scent to relieve pregnancy vomiting . Most studies suggest that ginger is safe during pregnancy. However, there are some concerns about ginger as it can affect fetal sex hormones.
News of the week:
Prevent Vomiting in Pregnancy with Acupressure : Without any side effects, acupressure offers relief from vomiting in pregnancy . According to a research study, it is effective in reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy . In acupressure, pressure points are massaged to relieve symptoms. Acupressure wristbands are also available.
Prevent Vomiting in Pregnancy Eating Small Meals: Eating small meals a day ensures satiety. Do not skip meals, eat every 3 hours. Trying a variety of foods can provide relief from vomiting in pregnancy . Eat some crackers or a piece of dry toast before getting out of bed in the morning.
Prevent Vomiting in Pregnancy Avoiding Stress: Staying calm, stress and tension aggravate morning sickness, breathe fresh air, take morning walks and rest whenever you can as it helps improve mood and relieves vomiting in pregnancy .
Avoid Vomiting in Pregnancy By Staying Away From Certain Foods: Avoid foods or smells that encourage vomiting in pregnancy . If you find the smell difficult to deal with, ask someone else to cook. Avoid spicy and greasy foods. Choose foods that you feel like eating and that are healthy for your consumption.
Useful links:
Prevent Pregnancy Vomiting with Aromatherapy: Some scents made from essential oils are helpful in preventing vomiting in pregnancy . Lemon perfume can be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy . Ginger essential oil can be used to get relief. However, not everyone may find this helpful. For some mothers, these scents can make them worse and cause vomiting in pregnancy .