10 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer
To identify the signs that may indicate the development of Skin Cancer there are several methods, one of them is the exam called ABCDE, which includes the main characteristics that normally appear in the spots , spots and signs. Often, the first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, or color of an existing mole . The “ABCDE” rule can be used to remember what to look for they are:
News of the week:
- Asymmetry – The shape of half of the patch does not match the other half.
- Edge – Edges are jagged, notched, or jagged.
- Color – It is often uneven. Shades of black, brown and cinnamon may be present. White, gray, red or blue areas can also be seen.
- Diameter – The diameter greater than 6 mm.
- E volution – The mole is changing in size, shape, color, appearance, or develops in a previously normal area of skin .
Other Symptoms of Skin Cancer Are:
- A wound that doesn’t heal.
- Expansion of pigment from a spot on the skin .
- Redness or swelling .
- Itching, tenderness or pain.
- Change in the surface of the pint.
Some skin cancers do not fit the rules described above, so it is important to inform the doctor of any changes in skin lesions or new lesions that look different from the rest of the existing moles. In addition to this self-examination, there are still other signs, which we have listed for you to know how to prevent yourself from this terrible evil. Then check out the 10 Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer:
Protecting the Skin from the Sun Prevents Skin Cancer: To protect the skin properly and prevent skin cancer , you should avoid sun exposure at the hottest times of the day, especially in the summer between 11 am and 4 pm, trying to stay in the shade whenever possible, opting to stay in cotton or canvas tents that absorb 50% of the ultraviolet radiation.
In addition, it is important:
- Wear a hat or caps with wide brims.
- Wear sunglasses with UV protection purchased from specialist opticians.
- These tips should be kept both on the beach, in the pool and in any type of outdoor exposure.
Foods that Prevent Skin Cancer: Foods that Prevent Skin Cancer are mainly fruits , vegetables and whole grains , due to certain specific substances, such as antioxidants that protect the body’s cells, helping to fight and prevent the appearance of Skin Cancer . In addition, researchers are discovering that certain foods can fight and prevent skin cancer , here is the list of such foods that have this power to prevent skin cancer .
Prevent Skin Cancer o Wearing Proper Clothing: All clothes offer different levels of protection from UV radiation, for example long sleeved shirts, long skirts or long pants offer more protection, dark colors also protect more than light colors, so as clothes with a firm fabric protect better. Dry fabrics are generally more protective than wet ones. However, it is important to be aware that just covering yourself does not block UV radiation completely, if light passes through a fabric, UV radiation will also pass through it.
Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer at the Beach: On the beach or at the pool, using tents made of cotton or canvas, which absorb 50% of ultraviolet radiation, is one of the main Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer, because using this tip you will reduce your chances of having this terrible disease. Nylon tents form an unreliable barrier: 95% of UV rays penetrate the material.
Prevent Skin Cancer o Using Photoprotector: The ideal must have a good absorption of UVA and UVB rays, it must have a certain resistance to water in addition to not staining the clothes. Protectors based on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are deposited in the outermost layer of the skin , thus reflecting incident radiation. In the past they were not well accepted due to the fact that they left the skin with a more whitish tone, but this has been minimized. Chemical filters, on the other hand, act as a kind of “sponge” for ultraviolet rays, transforming them into heat.
Avoid Artificial Tanning To Prevent Skin Cancer: Another of the Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer is not to use the famous tanning chambers, as they increase the chances of having Skin Cancer , since, although the skin is brunette more quickly, intense exposure to UVB and UVA rays increases the chances of changes in skin cells .
Use Sunscreen To Prevent Skin Cancer: Daily sunscreen against UVA and UVB rays should be applied, applying the product to the whole body every 2 hours or after going in the water, because its protection decreases. In winter it is also important to apply sunscreen because even when the weather is cloudy, UV radiation passes through the clouds and continues to negatively affectunprotected skin .
To Prevent Skin Cancer Watch Your Skin: You should check your skin at least once a month, looking for signs of Skin Cancer , such as moles, moles or spots that have changed color, have irregular edges, multiple colors, or have increased in size. In addition, it is important to consult a dermatologist at least once a year to perform a complete examination of the entire skin and detect possible changes.
Avoid Chemicals to Prevent Skin Cancer: Certain chemicals, such as those containing arsenic, can increase the risk of developing Skin Cancer if they come in direct or indirect contact with the skin . People can be exposed to arsenic in well water, pesticides and herbicides, some medicines and in professional activities such as mining and smelting, for example.
So, if you want to stay away from this disease, another one of our Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer is that you should use all the necessary devices to protect yourself from these harmful agents for the Skin.
Useful links:
Stay in the Shadows to Prevent Skin Cancer: One way to limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation is to avoid prolonged exposure outdoors, in direct sunlight, especially between 10 am and 4 pm, when UV light is most intense. So as the last of the Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer , prefer places where there is not a lot of UVA and UVB rays, look for places with lots of trees or shade to rest.