Tips to prevent premature aging!

Tips to prevent premature aging by doing this every day as it leaves room for signs of aging such as wrinkles and fatigue . These changes can be surprising if they occur sooner than expected, hence the term “premature” aging.

Also, we all want to stay young for eternity. You can never stop aging. However, the aging process can be slowed down with these tips we offer today that will help you look younger.

Tips to prevent premature aging:

1. Play a Sport:

Brisk walking, cycling, running or swimming are all good ways to work your heart and breathe. These are also great ways to boost anti-aging growth hormone. For more socializing, it is also possible to be part of a walking or cycling group, for example.

2. Stress:

Stress can be very harmful to your health, so it’s best to get rid of it before it invades you. For this, bet on sophrology or even relaxation. You will be better prepared to deal with oppressive situations.

3.Drink water regularly:

It is necessary to drink water very often, without waiting to be thirsty. This helps to rehydrate the entire body and in particular the brain. Drinking a glass of wine a day would be good for your heart, but drinking two would increase your risk of breast cancer .

4. Sleep:

Sleep is essential for the body, and even more so when it is long enough and restorative. Therefore, we must ensure that every night they benefit from all the necessary hours of sleep, but also that they fall asleep in the best conditions.

You should feel rested and calm in the morning when you wake up. If you have trouble falling asleep, think about plants (herbal teas and aromatherapy).

5. Relate to other people:

Working allows you to maintain a position in society, to relate to other people, but also to feel useful. However, it should not be abused as excessive working hours will have the opposite effect and can be the cause of various heart diseases .

6. Harmful substances:

To live old and in good shape, it’s best to put all chances aside, eliminating all products that want to harm us: tobacco, excess alcohol, sugar, fatty products or tranquilizers.

7. Happiness:

Happiness would therefore be the secret of longevity. In fact, positive emotions would act on well-being and allow us to live longer. There is also evidence that optimistic people are healthier than pessimists. See now the clay mask recipe to remove impurities on the face.

Clay mask recipe:

The green clay face mask helps to remove skin impurities and excess oil, in addition to providing more vitality and toning, delaying aging, as the properties of green clay stimulate cell renewal, eliminate toxins and dead cells, leaving the skin silkier.


– 1 tablespoon of green clay ;
– Mineral water;

Preparation mode:

  1. Mix the ingredients with a wooden or plastic spoon until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, apply the mask on the face and let it act for 30 minutes.
  2. After this time, rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream, preferably in gel, for those with oily skin, and that contains sun protection.
  3. It is recommended to use this green clay mask once a week or every 15 days as needed. Clay can be found at health food stores.

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