Tips to Get Rid of Acne in 6 Days!

Tips to Get Rid of Acne in 6 Days! Pimples are a great torment  in the lives of many people because in addition to causing an ugly appearance on the skin , they also reflect on self-esteem. Pimples usually  appear in adolescence, which is considered normal, because it is precisely at this stage that hormones have a significant increase, stimulating the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. So, check out The 8 Tips to Get Rid of Acne in 6 Days:

What is Acne?:  The pimple is a cutaneous process where the fat or sebum from the oil of the face, ends up closing a pore of the skin and there it inflames and ends up appearing the pus. So what we see is an inflamed ball with pus coming out of it that hurts a lot and ends up causing a lot of problems especially when we don’t just have a pimple on our face.

What Causes Acne?:  An increase in the production of oil by the glands or excess oil on the surface of the skin  can cause Acne , but there is no consensus on the cause of this, mainly because it depends on each case. So, check out the causes:

  • hormonal alternations
  • cosmetics
  • Inadequate cleaning
  • Pollution
  • Medicines and the like

How to prevent acne?:

  • Wash your face at least three times a day with an antiseptic soap such as Soapex or Protex.
  • Avoid using creams and other products, as the skin  tends to become even more oily. Prefer gel cosmetics, as they are more beneficial and do not leave the skin  oily.
  • Do not squeeze blackheads and other pimples  to prevent inflammation.
  • Avoid fatty foods and maintain a healthy diet.
  • Take care of your skin : use sunscreen.
  • Check your hormones: If you are no longer a teenager and still suffer from acne , see a gynecologist to find out if you have polycystic ovary syndrome or hormonal changes.

Honey and Cinnamon Recipe To Help Treat Acne . So, let ‘s check out 8 Tips to Get Rid of Acne in 6 Days!:


  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
  • Water


  • Mix a tablespoon of honey , a pinch of cinnamon , a teaspoon of baking soda and water – enough to form a paste.
  • Apply to face and let it act for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash off.

OBS: The most important thing is that people seek information, know the treatment options that can be used and, together with a professional they trust, start their treatment as soon as possible. The good professional who assists patients with Acne and pimples  in his clinical practice must know the different forms of treatment and always update his concepts in order to offer the best for each particular case.

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