Tips for Treating Flu and Cold Symptoms

Tips for Treating Flu and Cold Symptoms  for those with diabetes. In addition, Flu and Colds  are viral diseases and go far beyond a simple sneeze. Although the symptoms are similar, those of the flu are much more intense. There is even a rule of thumb to distinguish one illness from another. If the person went to work despite a runny nose, heaviness in the head and irritation in the throat, he does not have the flu, he has a cold.Influenza and Colds knocks the person down, leaves him in bed, without the slightest condition to leave the house and work. After receiving the diagnosis of diabetes, the patient needs to be careful with certain situations, especially with other diseases that may appear, whether it’s a simple flu or colds . So, check out now  The 10 Tips to Treat Flu and Cold Symptoms:

Drink Plenty of Fluids:  Drinking plenty is one of the best Tips to Treat Flu and Cold Symptoms . In some cases of Flu and Colds,  the patient may suffer from dehydration, which causes their blood glucose levels to be low. That is, drinking fluids frequently, especially water, helps the body to maintain its proper functioning and prevents the worsening of symptoms.

Rest:  Rest is a good option to treat flu and cold symptoms . Because when we are sick, the body needs rest to fight infectious agents, so get as much rest as you can.

Take Vitamin C and Zinc:  Taking Vitamin C and Zinc is a good alternative to treat cold and flu symptoms . Found in citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, vitamin c improves immunity and therefore prevents and alleviates cold and flu symptoms if taken regularly.

However, when the person is already sick, there is no such effect, so it is important to eat foods rich in these nutrients daily to prevent such diseases. Zinc is present in various reactions of the body and also helps in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Watch out for fever:  “In this case, the patient must first observe if there are other associated symptoms, such as cough or sore throat. The ideal is to observe in the first 24 hours, if necessary seek emergency care to find out what is wrong”. Do not take any fever-reducing medication before talking to your doctor. Stay tuned for fever she is one of the main symptoms of flu and colds .

Avoid Decongestants:  Patients with diabetes should avoid using any medication without first consulting their physician. As for decongestants, they can make it difficult to check your glucose levels correctly.

Monitor Glucose Levels Regularly:  It is very important for diabetics to keep an eye on their blood glucose levels throughout the day, whether or not they have the flu or some other illness. That’s because when noticing any change he should consult the doctor immediately to avoid further complications. If the patient is using insulin even though there is decompensation, he needs to consult the doctor to make changes to the medication.

Keeping an eye on Ketones:  “When a diabetic patient gets sick, an infection, for example, the disease itself can increase blood glucose levels. A very serious complication of diabetes is diabetic ketoacidosis and one of the things that occurs in this situation is the increase in ketones, which are organic compounds present in the body”.

Don’t Leave Your Medicines Aside:  If you use medicines that will help you to live with diabetes, be sure to take them, even in cases of Flu and Colds , as it can help you recover faster as where you are sure your body is working properly.

Invest in Prevention:  In addition to having a regular diet and taking their medicines correctly, diabetics can make use of vaccines against Influenza and Colds . Ask your doctor if you can have access to this type of vaccine and if there are any contraindications.

Beware of Syrups and Lozenges:  “There are many syrups that contain a large amount of sugar and therefore diabetics can end up decompensated, in addition, corticosteroid-based medications should be used carefully and in really necessary cases, as they can also decompensate the disease” .

In addition, the diabetic patient is at greater risk of developing complications from Flu and Colds , such as pneumonia, always needing to have a longer follow-up. According to the endocrinologist, analgesics, antipyretics and syrups that do not contain sugar can be used by patients, as long as they are prescribed. Antibiotics only when necessary.

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