The 14 Thermogenic Foods That Help You Lose Weight
Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is a good option for thermogenic foods that help you lose weight . It can be used as a seasoning for salads, mixed with yogurts, shaken in smoothies or juices and even in cakes and sweets – although the latter, which are high in calories, should be consumed in smaller quantities. The ideal is 2 tablespoons per day. In addition, since the fat in coconut oil does not need special enzymes to be absorbed and is quickly transformed into energy, it is not deposited in the body. Therefore, it is considered thermogenic and helps in weight loss. Also Read: How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy, WITHOUT SUFFERING and without sweating in gyms…
News of the week:
Apple Cider Vinegar: A study carried out by the University of Arizona and published in the American journal Diabetes Care analyzed the intake of Apple Cider Vinegar by diabetics. Over the study period, participants lost an average of two pounds in one month. This was because apple cider vinegar is able to prevent insulin spikes after eating carbohydrates. To top it off, the acetic acid present in vinegar inhibits the absorption of starches and sugar.
Red Pepper: Red pepper is one of the main thermogenic foods that help you lose weight . Well, despite being burnt, in the right measure, it is a tasty seasoning that still has a substance called capsaicin. In addition, Capsaicin is highly thermogenic as it can increase body temperature efficiently. This heat dissipation occurs in brown fat, a type of fat in our bodies that is richly vascularized.
Mate Tea: Mate Tea has an energetic and stimulating function, accelerating metabolism and favoring the work of the brain.
Mustard : Mustardis another good thermogenic food alternative that helps you lose weight . Because, it has a lot of fiber and helps in the proper functioning of the intestine. In addition, it (both in grain and in leaf) has antitumor properties. Glucosinolates, for example, help prevent cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.
Coffee: According to studies, caffeine, the main substance of the drink, has the potential to improve physical performance, as long as there is exercise. The research involved trained athletes and found better results for those who consumed 3mg/kg to 6mg/kg of caffeine daily. For a person who weighs 70kg, for example, the ideal would be 210mg to 420mg of the substance. To help, it is necessary to take into account that 60ml of boiled coffee corresponds to 40mg, while 60ml of espresso coffee corresponds to up to 80mg of caffeine. Also Read: How to LOSE 10 KG in 6 Weeks or Less WITHOUT Shedding a Drop of Sweat…
Another important observation was the greater effect of the property in tablets or capsules than in the beverage form. One cannot forget about the other gains associated with the grain either. In addition to caffeine, which is a potent stimulant of the central nervous system, coffee is an important source of antioxidants, mineral salts ( Magnesium , chromium, Manganese ) and vitamin B3 (niacin), presenting benefits in the prevention of some types of cancer such as liver, colon and rectum. therefore, Coffee is a thermogenic food that helps you lose weight .
Olive oil: This is one of the best sources of omega 3 fat out there. What, at first, seems harmful, can lead to a mistake. Omega 3, also present in fish such as Salmon, Tuna and Sardines, is a good fat that, in addition to its thermogenic properties, is also good for neurons and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems, gastritis, diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer. However, due to the high caloric value, the amount should not exceed 2 tablespoons per day. Also, see this if you want to LOSE ABDOMINAL FAT in a very simple and natural way…
Cold Water: When ingesting it, the body expends a greater amount of energy to raise the body temperature, causing a faster and more efficient burning of calories.
Guarana: Guarana is a good option for thermogenic foods that help you lose weight . Well, the same caffeine as coffee can be found in this typically Brazilian fruit, which also features saponin, a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory compound that helps with digestion, fighting gas and that sleep that comes after meals. By activating circulation, it acts against muscle pain, migraine and cramps. Guarana powder, which is extracted from the seeds of the fruit, should be consumed in moderation so as not to cause increased blood pressure and insomnia. Therefore, do not exceed 2 teaspoons to guarantee energy for approximately 6 hours.
Chard : Chardis a vegetable rich in antioxidants, which fight the aging of cells, preventing diseases such as cancer. In addition, thanks to the syringic acid present in the leaf, chard helps control blood sugar.
Asparagus : Asparagusis another good alternative of thermogenic foods that help you lose weight. Well, it is low in calories, it is worth mentioning in weight loss plans, as it is rich in vitamins and fibers and helps to kill hunger. It also has diuretic action, fighting swelling and free radicals, which cause damage to the body.
Ginger: Ginger is one of the topthermogenic foods that help you lose weight . Well, this root can increase caloric expenditure by more than 10%. In addition, ginger can be consumed in a variety of ways, raw, in marinades to season meat, poultry and fish, and it still looks great in tomato sauce, vegetable soups and tea, when mixed with other herbs. What do you think about LOSING FINALLY in a fast and healthy way, WITHOUT SUFFERING and without sweating in gyms ? Seems interesting? so let me explain how, click here and see !
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Cinnamon: Its sweet taste, which allows it to replace sugar in some sweet recipes, is enough to guarantee a few fewer calories for the menu. However, the benefits of this spice do not end there, as the burning of calories is enhanced after its ingestion. In addition, consuming a few pinches of cinnamon during the day helps control blood insulin levels and also staves off hunger.