7 best supplements to boost the immune system

The best supplements to increase the immune system promoting well being and bringing many benefits to all health.

As you probably know, keeping your immune system in top condition is now more important than ever.

Fortunately, there are many ways to boost your immune system in a healthy way.

A diet rich in vitamins and minerals should be a priority, along with regular exercise and plenty of sleep.

But it’s not always possible to eat perfectly every day, especially if you have a busy schedule. This is where dietary supplements can come in handy.

There are many supplements to boost the immune system , from probiotics for the gut microbiome to zinc for proper DNA replication.

And if you’re confused about which supplements to choose, don’t worry we’ve compiled a list of the top 7 supplements to boost your immune system.

Best supplements to boost the immune system:

1. Probiotics:

These supplements are beneficial live bacteria that support the health of the bacteria already living in your gut.

In addition to helping your body digest and absorb nutrients from food, they also help “kick out” harmful bacteria and yeast.

Probiotics also help your body absorb important vitamins and minerals and boost your immune system .

Your gut microbiome plays an important role in the health of your immune system.

In fact, up to 70% of your immune system cells are located in the walls of your gut.

Research has shown that probiotics can help promote the production of bacteriocins (bacteria-killing agents) and short-chain fatty acids, lower gut pH, and compete for binding sites on intestinal lining cells.

All these measures prevent harmful bacteria from establishing themselves in your body.

More importantly, the use of probiotics has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of upper respiratory infection and flu-like symptoms when a patient’s temperature is above 38°C.

Boosting your immune system should start by supporting your gut microbiome. As Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut” which means if your gut is unhealthy, neither are you.

2. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is one of the best-known vitamins for boosting the immune system,  but few people realize just how vital it really is.

It is an essential micronutrient and a potent antioxidant.

Vitamin C is crucial for proper immune function, contributing to immune defense, supporting various cellular functions of the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Vitamin C can accumulate in phagocytic cells such as neutrophils, where it can carry out several important immune activities.

It is involved in chemotaxis (the movement of important microorganisms) and phagocytosis, which essentially means it helps remove harmful pathogens and cellular debris from the body.

Vitamin C also plays a role in killing harmful microbes.

It has also been found to improve B and T cell differentiation and proliferation, which can significantly improve overall immune defenses.

Vitamin C supplementation can help prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections.

Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the length and severity of the common cold.

3. Cod liver oil:

This is a rich source of vitamins A , D and omega-3 fatty acids that help boost the immune system .

It not only provides important nutrients for cells and bones, but also for the immune system.

Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system, bone growth, eye health and cell growth.

It is also an important antioxidant that helps ward off harmful free radicals that can damage your cells.

Vitamin D is vital for the healthy functioning of immune system cells.

In fact, the high content of vitamin D in cod liver oil was why it was originally used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

More recently, in vitro studies have suggested that vitamin D in cod liver oil plays an important role in activating human macrophages in the defense system, helping to ward off serious diseases such as mycobacterium tuberculosis.

4. Garlic:

This is one of the greatest natural immune system boosters in the world.

Not only is it proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol, but it’s also great for warding off pathogens that cause colds and flu .

One of the most important antifungal agents in garlic is ajoene, an organosulfur compound that has been shown to kill a variety of fungal and bacterial infections.

Ajoene is formed from a compound called allicin and an enzyme called alliinase.

When garlic is minced or crushed, allicin and allinase combine to form ajoene, the powerful antimicrobial agent.

These compounds work alongside other powerful antioxidants in garlic to fight infections and support the immune system.

A University of Florida study found that taking aged garlic helped participants reduce the severity of their cold  and flu symptoms, as well as shorten the duration of those symptoms.

5. Vitamin D:

As the vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune cells, vitamin D supplements help to boost the immune system .

Studies have shown that they can improve your innate and adaptive immune system response, which helps protect your body against invading pathogens.

In fact, vitamin D was used to treat infections like tuberculosis before the advent of effective antibiotics.

Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to autoimmune diseases.

Low levels of vitamin D are not the underlying cause of autoimmune disease, but low levels of vitamin D can worsen autoimmune disease states.

Low levels of vitamin D were also associated with a higher risk of infections.

In 2010, the National Institute of Health warned that low levels of vitamin D can predispose you to frequent colds and flu.

6. Oregano Oil:

This oil contains several healing compounds, including carvacrol, thymol, and terpinene.

It has been used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory problems for centuries and can also be an effective way to reduce and reduce cold and flu symptoms.

A study by the University of West England found that the active ingredient in oregano carvacrol was a more effective antimicrobial than 18 different medications.

The study showed that even a small amount of carvacrol was enough to sterilize septic water, kill giardia and treat fungal infections.

7. Zinc:

This is one of the most important nutrients to boost healthy immune system .

It plays a role in many aspects of the immune system, from the skin to how lymphocytes work.

It is also necessary for wound healing. It helps your body metabolize many vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients needed for everyday health.

Zinc is vital for the healthy development and function of your immune cells, including neutrophils and natural killer cells.

People who are zinc deficient may experience impaired immune function, particularly when it comes to T lymphocytes, cytokine production, and B lymphocyte help.

Low levels of zinc can also impair B lymphocyte development and antibody production.

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